Smile (chapter eight)

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Dan had not been out of his room very often in the last couple days. He would come out to eat meals, watch a few episodes of our favorite animes, and maybe even to have small chats with me about future videos, but not much else. I was beginning to wonder if I was the reason he was isolating himself (at least more than usual). The last time I remember him being out and about the flat, he seemed perfectly normal.


"Dan, what are you saying?" said Phil, sounding very confused. "Do you really...really.."

"Yeah." answered Dan. "I do love you."

Phil took a step back, not being able to completely understand what the person in front of him was saying. But in a rush of passion and willfulness, Phil kissed Dan. Finally realizing his true feelings and letting them overcome his mind and body.

I have been staying in my room most of the time to work on my fiction. I think Phil might be a little worried about me, but I'm fine really. As far as he knows, I'm on the internet; YouTube, Tumblr, Twitter. But I would die if he found out what I was actually doing.

I think I'm getting used to the whole writing thing. I've always loved English and literature, and felt that I always could express myself pretty well through words on paper or screen. And anyways, my story practically writes itself, all my feelings just sort of flow out of my brain, into my fingers and onto the keyboard.

I'm at the part of the story where I finally admit to loving Phil and him, subsequently, loving me back. From now on it's mostly going to be nice and fluffy, because I really just want to make up a perfect world for us to inhabit.


I tried to knock on Dan's door one day.

"Hello?" I said through the closed door.


I was in the process of writing a cute date chapter, when I heard a knock at my door.


I panicked.

"Dan?" I heard his voice again, "Are you in there?"


I waited after the second time I spoke. I couldn't hear much from inside so I decided it would be okay to go in.

Dan was laying under his sheets with his computer laying closed on his bed beside him. Maybe all the times he had not come out of his room, he was sleeping. I quietly closed the door to his bedroom and walked off into the sitting room.

I really missed having Dan around. Even though I knew he was just on the other side if my bedroom wall, it felt like we were miles apart. I really thought that as of late, we had grown more comfortable around each other. I thought he might have actually grown to love me back...


That was way to close.
What if he saw me writing, saw what I was writing.

That was when it sunk in. This could ruin our friendship. If Phil ever found out and didn't have the same feelings as I did, he could move out because he thought it was weird or creepy.

And as much as I love Phil, if our friendship were to end, I would be torn apart.  

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