Smile (chapter four)

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Dan seemed off today.

In the morning he wasn't in the best mood, despite telling me that he was "fine". I didn't believe that for one second.

I can always tell if something's up with that guy. He has tells. Like how sometimes the little patches on his cheeks and neck will start to turn bright red. Or how he rolls his eyes (more than usual) when he thinks I'm not looking.

I just sort of pushed it away. Hoping that I wasn't the reason behind his moodiness. I never want to be the reason Dan is upset, when he is the thing that makes me happier than anything else in this world. I never want to dull his unique light.

I took a little longer than usual to get ready, but I imagined that Dan was probably just spending time on the Internet. When I was done, I realized that the train we were supposed to get on, was leaving in 10 minutes.

I started to yell at Dan to get out the door. He hadn't realized what time it was and proceeded to run out the door. Tripping over his shoelaces. Twice.

I was still laughing at him when we got out of the door to our building.

"Usually I'm the clumsy one!" I said while still cluching my gut which was in pain from all the laughter.

"I'm catching your clumsy virus! You must have sneezed on me or something." Dan was smiling. I smiled too, noticing that he was in a much better mood than before.

"Now we can live happily ever after with twice the clumsiness."

Dan stared at me a moment.

"What did I say?"


Happily ever after

"Nothing, just thought you said something else."

"Oh, okay. Well were getting close to the underground, we should probably hurry up." 

We started to walk a little faster. I had time to think.
Happily ever after with Phil.
It just sounds so right...

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