Fate's game

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"Wow!!! Congrats, I knew it, my smart girl" Carl felt so excited.

"I know, thanks, stop shouting, the exam was really difficult by the way" I smiled.

Luckily I cleared the scholarship exam but I wasn't happy because I had no friends to celebrate it with.

"Emma, aloof again?" Carl said.

"No, I am hungry, I will talk to you later Carl, see you" I ended the video call.

After my last encounter with Zac, my weekend was pretty boring and I haven't touched my phone at all. I got nothing to do except to repent on what I did to my friends. I really missed Celia's hug, Zac's kiss, Kyle's jestiness. But I couldn't let Becky and Amelia hurt them because of me.

I'm an emotional mess.

But after talking to aunt and overthinking about it, I decided to apologize and get my friends back. They accepted my past. My mind was clear now.

Today I'll set everything right. Let's call everyone in the evening.

I was sulking around on my boring sunday afternoon when someone banged my door to the point of breaking it. I rushed to it and it was Kyle.

"Come with me, hurry up" he held hand and dragged me outside without listening to me at all.

"Hey wait! I,..." he cut me off
"Shut up! Zac met with an accident. "

I became blank and so many questions came to my mind "What?when? how? where is he? Is he ok?"
He didn't have to drag me after that, I sat in the car.

"He's hospitalised, let's go" Kyle expeditedid the car.

"What happened?" I asked Kyle choking on my tears.

"Since friday, he's been really depressed, easily agitated, he really loved you Emma, I don't know what happened between you two but he was so down and aloof all the time and today while driving, a truck hit his car" he told me everything.

"It's all my fault, I am the worst kind of person, I shouldn't have come into your lives at all... " he interrupted me again.

"All I want is him to be saved."

The moment we reached the hospital, I followed Kyle as fast as I could. I saw Celia sitting sadly and Zac's parents crying.

"Has doctor said anything?" Kyle asked Celia. She just nodded in a no. She looked at me with hate-filled eyes. I looked at Zac's parents and nodded at them.
"Are you Emma?" his mother asked.
I nodded.

"My son always talked about you, you brought colours to his life, save him" she held my hands and looked at me hopefully.

Oh! so she doesn't know what happened between me and Zac. Thank god.

But still I couldn't breathe because of the guilt in my heart. I hugged her saying "I won't let anything happen to him no matter what, trust me Mrs. Loran."

Just then doctor came out "We need AB+ blood group, his condition is very critical, we will do our best but still it'll take time to arrange.. "I interrupted him"I'll give the blood. "

"Is it AB+?" the doctor asked.
I nodded in a no.

"But my blood group is O negative and it is a universal donor" I smiled.

He instructed me to come inside. I followed him after saying "Guys! I love Zac and all of you and I am not letting him die."

I saw all of them smile at me. I was really satisfied.

After I gave the blood, I came out. Zac's body was inside. His skin was a little pale. I wished he could see me donating blood and wink at me.

Stupid thoughts.

Mrs. Loran hugged me "you are an angel. "

Only if you knew he was depressed because of me.

"Thanks for saving our son, Emma" Mr.Loran said.

"You don't have to thank me Sir, I just couldn't let him go, your son is so lovely" I replied.

They smiled at me.

I saw Celia and Kyle sitting together watching me. I went to them.

"I have no words to apologize but still can you guys forgive me?" I asked.

"It's fine, Zac's alright, that's important" Kyle answered.

"I know you have been through a lot but you didn't have to run away "Celia said.

I bowed my head with tears streaming down my cheeks. Celia hugged me and I cried openly on her shoulder. Zac's parents felt it a little strange. Then the doctor came.

"Congrats, your son is safe and the scars will heal eventually, there's nothing to worry about but.. "
"but what?" we all asked at the same time.

He continued "your son lost a part of his memory, we can't pinpoint it but maybe of a last few months, part of his cerebral cortex was injured, he may get his memories back with time but we are not sure, you may meet him."

I looked at Celia with questioning eyes "Don't worry, I will ask him if he remembers you" she said.

They all went inside while I fidgeted outside nervously. After ten minutes, only Celia came out. The look in her eyes told me everything.

"He doesn't remember you at all and not me also" she said.

I felt like someone stabbed me. My whole world came crumbling down on me. I kept on looking at the door of Zac's room. I felt emotionless. I wanted to cry but I was turned into a stone.

"Emma, it's going to be alright, don't look so gloomy. Doctors said his memory will be back" Celia hugged me.

But I couldn't move at all. I pulled us apart and peeked inside the room. He was laughing with his family and Kyle.

I am doomed and hurt like hell and he doesn't even remember anything?. I'm clinging to my lost love and he moved on so easily. He doesn't know what is pain. I am done for good. I never got true love and even if there was a slight chance of getting it, fate trolled me.

Thanks a lot, god. If you don't remember anything Zac then I won't cry for you.

"Emma?, say something please" Celia snapped me out of my thoughts.

I started walking away. She held my hand "Where are you going?"

"If he forgot me then I'll forget him too" I replied with a straight face.

I sat in the bus and went home. On my way back I called Carl.

"Carl, I need a plane ticket right now, I can't stay here at all, I will continue my studies in Oxford, I am leaving this place for good" I hung up after saying that.

Carl didn't call me back to question about anything. She was really understanding. I packed my stuff and my mail informed me about my flight.

I ignored all the calls and went to airport. I couldn't tell anyone about leaving because I was sure they would try to stop me. Aunt already informed my school's authority. All the formalities were done.

Finally my plane took off.

Zac moved on without valuing your forgotten past so I will also forget it because I can't take this pain anymore while you sit in your house without any knowledge of my existence. Whatever happened here will stay here. Don't worry Emma, you might get true love. Maybe Someday.


The true lovers' were separated.
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