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A new day came and my favorite one too, after all I loved Sunday. The day I could waste leisurely. My home was already clean and I had breakfast and homework was a big no.

Sunday is for enjoying life. My normal life with novels, coffee, headphones and fast and furious movie.

But no matter how much I tried ,this sunday felt a little scary to me as tommorow would be Monday and everyone would be talking about the prank played on me.

The videos of the party were already going viral and I felt paranoid.

I couldn't stop thinking about it so to divert my attention I thought of calling my aunt.

Aunt Carla, the only person who loved me and treated me like her own daughter. I really felt bad that I couldn't meet her because she was in England. I called her but I was directed into her voicemail. Well I anticipated that, after all she is really busy with her boutique.

I looked at the clock and it was 3 pm. I already read two novels, watched last 3 parts of fast and furious and now nothing interesting was left to do.

It's so boring. What should I do ?oh yes! I have to prepare something for dinner. I guess I will go shopping and roam around.

With that thought, I got dressed. I wore a plain white shirt with black jeans, hairdo was a messy bun and eyes protected by nerd glasses. Well as usual my simple and normal hidden appearance. I don't want to look pretty as I don't want to attract attention. Moreover people fall for makeup and fake appearances. So I would prefer my natural self : unnoticeable.

Natural? Please you are hiding your real self.

At 4:30 I set out for the walk. I kept observing people on the streets. There were couples, people running to make money, window shopping crowds, Pokemon go players, children enjoying with their parents. I wished my parents loved me too but unfortunately I was abandoned.

No Emma, don't spoil your mood, just enjoy your walk.

So I entered a clothing store. I have always loved fashion but never had confidence to try new dresses on. The girls who have best friends are really lucky as they can go shopping together, force dresses on each other.

I really felt like a loner but the dresses mesmerised me. I thought of different combinations of tunics, pullovers, skirts, tops, laced jeans which can make a girl look like a queen. I wasted two hours in window shopping. I even got scolded for redressing the mannequins according to me but they were badly dressed so I couldn't help but doing my perfect remake.

After that I hurried to buy some vegetables, tomato sauce, milk, cream and much more stuff. I was relieved when I was finally done. These things could last a week probably.

All this while in the mart, I got a feeling that someone was stalking me. I turned around secretively and saw Zac standing few feet away from me.

He looked surprised as if he didn't expected to be even caught. He stood frozen. Before he could plan something else, I left.

By 10:30, I was back home. I went for a shower and put on my oversize but comfortable night suit. There were two missed calls from aunt. I called back.

"Emma!! my sweetheart how are you, sorry I didn't know when you called" aunt's voice was cheerful as usual.

"It's okay, I knew you were busy Carl" I giggled as that's the nickname I gave to her and she just loves it.

"So how's your life going on, what about school, how many friends have you made, did you get a boyfriend?" I was bombarded with questions.

"Everything is fine Carl and I already told you I hate being social, don't need friends let alone a BF" I replied.

"You need to be social, I don't want to listen to your own ideals, I get it, you are strong woman but you need to give a break to yourself,you should trust others, oh I am getting another call from a customer, I will talk to you later. Take care and I love you."

"Love you too Carl" then we hung up.

I kept thinking about aunt's words.
I can't trust anyone. Not after what Becky and Zac did. People just use others for their selfish needs. People suck. I laughed at my viewpoint.

Now I was thinking about the possible humiliating things that could happen to me tommorow, the rumors, comments and what not.

I put on my headphones to calm my thoughts and my playlist acted as my lullaby, so I drifted to sleep.


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