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Celia's viewpoint

It was my birthday. I wanted this one to be special and different. My mom was the first one to wish me, followed by my dad and brother.

I had been surrounded by mean people. I had always observed Emma, she was really nice but Becky used her for her selfishness. I wanted to know her but never really got an opportunity.

But now she was finally my friend. I wanted to enjoy with her. My mum gifted me a wonderful dress. I didn't want Emma to feel inferior so the dress which I ordered for her for her birthday, I wanted her to wear it today. I hurriedly got ready and took all the things to dress Emma up.

Next stop Emma's house.

She had no clue about my arrival. I just invaded her house and planned to make her unconscious. We were short of time and she was a questionnaire. So, I dressed her up, applied make up, set her hair, by the time she was back to her senses she was already looking like a princess. I wonder why she always hides herself. She guessed that it was my birthday. She was so happy and excited.

After that we hurried to school and I was so pleased to see everyone's jaw dropping expression. The way Kyle praised me caught me off guard.

We are always arguing but the way he looked at me made my heart skip a beat. That guy sure is handsome. His eyes sparkle when he talks to me .

Right now I am fuming with anger. Emma is missing. She told me to meet her in the cafeteria but she is no where. And see her guts, she's ignoring my calls. I am going to kill her. I thought we would paint the town red together but guess this birthday will also go waste. I am really sad right now.

The lectures went on and on but I couldn't concentrate. I just wanted to cry. I felt delusional. The school was finally over. It was five and I had no idea what to do next.

I walked towards the parking but before I could open my car, a hand grabbed my mouth with a handkerchief.

Shit! Chloroform .

I blacked out.

The light shone brightly, nearly blinding my vision. I slowly gained consciousness and I was shocked to see the surroundings. I was in a park which was decorated with lights. It felt like the stars came down on the ground. There were bouquets everywhere and there were strangers.

Who are they?

Before I could say anything, everyone started singing birthday song for me and at the end of the song, Kyle, Zac and Emma came out of the crowd.
I ran towards Emma and hugged her.

"Oh goodness! Thank you so much, this is so unexpected and marvellous " I had tears of happiness in my eyes.

"Thanks to you too for being my friend and this day is yours" she hugged tighter.

"We also helped a lot" Kyle said dramatically stretching his arms out for a hug.

We pulled back and laughed. Then I did the unexpected, I kissed Kyle on his cheek. He stood there like a rock. Even I was shocked by my act but he deserved it.

"I hate you for kidnapping me though " my those words brought him back. He chuckled.

"Come on!! Cut the cake" the Park's crowd shouted.

The cake was too amazing.

"I want to keep it in a museum" I said.

"I hope you like how it tastes, I did my best" Emma replied.

"Oh my god!!! you made this, you are a genius Emma" I hugged her again.
I was really blessed.

I cut the cake and then it was distributed among everyone. But still there was a lot left.

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