Party's target

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Finally Saturday knocked on my door. This is the day that's going to end my suffering. Becky has always used me, teased me and then she fakes like she is being an important friend to me. I could not get rid of her as she always found a way to stick with me and got her work done through me.

My parents have abandoned me. They wanted a son not a daughter. Mother even thought of abortion but thanks to my aunt, she took me in as her daughter.

I really feel like I am cursed but aunt told me that the day I was born, my father made a huge success in his business and she also feels blessed to have me.

Whatever, nothing can change the fact that my parents hated me. I have only seen their pictures when they were young, never met them. I have promised myself that I will meet them when I will be successful enough, that people will come to know them from my name. I want to make them proud of me as their daughter who is no less than a boy.

I have been lazing around and it's nearly afternoon. I have already done my homework, prepared dinner as I am going to party so won't have time later.

I was changing the channels on the TV and was just going to doze off when my phone vibrated. It was Becky again. She texted me the address of so called Zac loran's house.

I marched towards my messed up wardrobe with no dress, full of jeans and tees. I decided to wear a white tee and dark blue jean. Then I went to bathe, one of the many things I love. I washed my hair. It takes me quite sometime as my hair is pretty long. I just love my hair. I checked out myself in full length mirror. I looked really cute but nobody has seen the real me. My hair, my eyes without the nerd glasses on. Ok ,I am praising myself but I do look pretty, my aunt always remind me of that. She always tells me that my perfect feature is my eyes.

I put on the clothes, tied my hair up in a messy bun and nerd glasses were back on. It's 8:45 p.m. I took a taxi to the address Becky texted me.

It's 9:00 and I am standing outside the house which seems like a castle,so darn huge .Yep it is small enough to sustain the population of China. Ok I may be exaggerating but it's huge.

I started walking towards the door but now that I am standing in front of it, I want to run away. I was fighting my nervousness when a school couple passed by me and went inside after commenting on my so simple dressing style. I mustered all my courage and finally thrusted my way in. The moment I entered, music stopped, everybody looked at me as if they were waiting for me. I was a little shocked.

Wait, why are you all looking at me? Is my top stained or something.

"Guys,the target is here, food fight!!" I saw Zac shouting while pointing at me.

No! This can't be...

Before I could understand anything, all the students started throwing food at me, muffins, cream and many more things. It was hurting like hell. I tried to cover my face with my hands but to no avail. It all ended after Zac poured a cup of wine on my head. I was shocked. I could not react. I cleaned my eyes and saw Becky standing with Zac and laughing like anything.

"Hello nerd, we were waiting for you as you were our planned target to kill some time, thanks to Becky after all she suggested this whole prank in exchange for me to date her. How pathetic" Zac's word stung me.

Shit. I should have anticipated that this could be a prank yet I believed Becky. She used me and this time to get the rich boy as her date. This is hell.
No Emma, don't cry. You can handle it. They shouldn't see your precious tears. Stay strong. Don't react. It is hurting like hell. No Emma ,don't give in. Come on, stay strong.

I was hyperventilating as
I looked disgusting with all the sticky food items thrown at me and I stink of wine. I was embarrassed like hell, felt like crying but held back my tears. This time Becky crossed the line and Zac was included in all this. But I just looked up and smiled.

You watching me God, right?

Zac was observing me intently.

"Fresh target, let's have round two" Zac shoved Becky in front. I was shocked as everyone was ready to humiliate Becky this time.

Is this guy for real? He is not satisfied just by humiliating me. Becky was his partner in crime but he is using her too. He is such a jerk. I want to kill him. Even though I hate Becky but I hate this guy more.

"Don't you dare, none of you will do anything to her" I shouted at top of my voice. My eyes nearly bulging out with anger. Everyone stopped, much to my surprise.

I went to Zac and slapped him with full force. He was taken aback. He opened his mouth to argue but I pointed my index finger at him saying "Don't!"

"I don't care about what you did to me, I won't breakdown in front of you all. I wouldn't have said anything let alone slapped you but how dare you play with a girl's feelings. Becky betrayed me just to date you, to convince you, she pulled this prank on me. Whatever happened with me is a different story and trust me I am much stronger than you can even imagine Mr. Loran."

I turned to leave the party "you can stay if you want Becky" With those words I left.

When I was outside Becky held my hand "Emma I am-----" I cut her before she could say anything .

"Listen we are over, I told you the moment I enter the party, we won't be friends anymore and with that little prank of yours, you made it easy for us to end the relationship, I hate you but now I have given up on that too, don't ever bother me again."

The moment I reached home, I went to bathroom and cried my heart out. I looked horrible mess, I was hurt, broken. It felt like somebody ripped my body and soul apart. I bathed with tears flowing down. I could not hold my tears anymore. Staying strong was so hard. Becky and Zac were horrible to me. Today was worst day of my life. I cried for god knows how long.

After shower I felt a little better. I changed into my night suit. I had to wash my hair again coz of the cream and sticky stuff that was thrown at me. I lost my appetite for dinner.
My phone kept ringing. I turned it off as I was in no mood to talk to Becky.

Guess from now on I can enjoy my solitude. No torture, no friends, no drama, no fakeness. I will just stay like a chameleon so nobody would notice me. I will have books with me .I won't be alone. My parents abandoned me, how can I expect strangers to love me and be my friends. I kept overthinking about the whole party incident.

I thought it would change my life and yes it did change my life from hell to bigger hell.

Why did it happen with me? Just coz I won't say anything, just coz I am always quiet doesn't mean people should bully me. I never offended anyone.

I kept hyperventilating but all I really knew I was not going to associate myself with anyone no matter what.

I was talking to myself and I didn't know when sleep took me to my dreamland.


OK so who's the character you hate more right now,

Becky or Zac or Emma's parents ?

Please comment and vote.

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