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I was ready to leave the house but there was no sign of Celia. I called her and then I came to know that Kyle was giving her a ride to school but she said she arranged one for me too. Well as cliche as it sounds I saw a black corvette standing in my driveway.

Wow! Celia is rich.

I locked the door and started walking towards the car but then I saw Zac grinning at me.

Of course, this is what Celia would arrange.

I stopped and started walking away from the car. Zac rushed in front of me "hey! that's rude, you don't like my car?" he asked.

"Yeah, its awesome but poor thing it can't even get you to school" I replied sarcastically .

"I came to pick you up" he said proudly.

"I would never ride with you" I kept walking.

Then he held my hand "you have to see this" he took out his cellphone and played a video.

I was embarrassed after seeing myself dancing in it. I was acting like crazy .I couldn't believe the words that I heard even though they were spoken by me.

"How? When?, please delete it, I look horrible" I asked Zac.

"Come on! you stole the spotlight, you were amazing and you already have driven with me in my car and you even..." I interrupted him "Stop, stop, don't tell me anything, let's go to school" then I sat in the car.

Oh gosh! I hope I did nothing inappropriate last night.Was I drunk? Of course, I would never do such things normally and I hardly remember anything from last night.

We drove to the school quietly. Before Zac left I asked him "Did I do something bad last night, I mean something wrong like..."

"Oh you mean something that a guy and a girl do?" he winked.

Why you...

"You wouldn't believe me but you kissed me last night but unfortunately nothing more" he said.

"I don't believe you, you are lying"I denied.

"I have recording of that too" he smiled and showed me one more video. I was kissing him in that.

"Who made the video?, you had no camera in the video" I questioned him.

"My Corvette made it, luckily my car has a camera installed in front" he replied.

I was shocked. It was then I realized that I was gaping.

"Relax Emma, it was just a peck on my cheek" he said the words but I was so shocked because of the video that I couldn't interpret his words.

Zac's viewpoint

When I indirectly hinted Emma that I like her, she was just gawking at me. It was too much for her to digest. So I thought of backing out "I am kidding Scarlett, let's go, we are getting late."

Then she relaxed .I understood that it'll take time for her to know what I know. She wouldn't understand her feelings easily. I saw love for me in her eyes yesterday. She had no knowledge of it.

We walked to our lockers. Everyone on the way was greeting Emma casually. She was a little surprised to see that.

"Why am I visible to all?" she asked me.

"They love you after what you did yesterday and everyone loves you, you know everyone around you" I was hinting again.

"Oh god! I feel embarrassed" she said.

"Hide in my arms" I said.

"You hide in your locker!" I chuckled at her reply.

"There you are, thanks for bringing her Zac" Celia greeted us.

"Hey, got your girl? "Kyle asked amusingly.
Emma frowned at him.

"It's not about you Emma, let's go" Celia took her away.

"Wait," she took my hand and we walked a little farther from Celia and Kyle "promise me, you won't show that video to anyone" she looked worried.

"Fine, that's the second promise I will make with you" I smiled and held out my pinkie the way she did last night.

She joined her finger with me "what was the first promise?" she asked confusingly.

"It was a romantic one and I am not telling you, see you" I whispered in her ear and she shivered.

So, she is effected by me.

We walked to our classes. Everything went pretty normal in this banal place. During lunchtime, it was all helter skelter everywhere. There were pamphlets everywhere.

The lockers were full of them. Everyone was talking about those.It felt like some unbelievable news had been broken out in the school. I just ignored it for sometime.

The way I know the high schoolers, it might be a small rumour or a stupid prank. I was least interested. All I was curious was, to meet Emma again. It seemed like she had a magnet to attract me. It's really funny how a stranger can mean the world to you.

I went near Emma's locker but there was no sign of her. I even looked for Celia but she wasn't around either. The chaos in the corridor was making me angry. I mean what's such a big news that these stupid high schoolers are skipping their meal for.

Even though I was doing the same as I was waiting for Emma to show up. But when she didn't, I walked towards the library. As she love reading books so I assumed that she might be in the library.

I would never have imagined going to library and that also during lunch but I had to find my princess. I looked around the library and it only increased my disappointment. She wasn't there too.

Let's go and have food with Kyle.

The moment I came out of the library, I was surprised to see students were still in the corridor missing their lunch.

Out of the crowd I saw Kyle rushing towards me and behind her was Celia. Emma wasn't with her. They both looked worried.

"Where were you? Have you seen this" Kyle said hurling one of the posters towards me.

"I thought it might be a rumour or prank so I haven't looked at it" I said casually.

"Idiot! read it"Celia said.

"What's wrong with you both?, calm down, I will read it" I took it from Kyle.

The words written on the poster nearly killed me. It said:

"The girl whose parents denounced her the moment she was born. The one who ate their luck as if a curse was born. The orphan even if her parents are alive.The biggest liar among us. Loser since her birth who hides the reality. The reason of her parents' sorrow. The mistake of her parents, born because of lust for a moment.

The one and only


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