Chapter 34

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Elara sat down in front of the painting and waited for her mother the wake up. She didn't know how long it would take. She had never really talked to a painting before. She sighed, and was about to stand up when the paintings eyes open.

"Mum?" Elara smiled as she looked at the painting before her. The painting smiled big as she had saw her daughter for the first time in a long time.

"My little moon, you have gotten so big." Tears came to Elara's eyes as she moved closer to the painting.

"I wish I could hug you, I've missed you so much. Father has missed you so much." The painting sadly smiled.

"He use to stop by a very long time ago, but slowly stopped coming. Where is he now?" Elara shook her head.

"I do not know, the war is getting bad. They have taken over the school, grandfather is gone." The painting lightly nodded her head.

"What caused you to want to uncover my painting, it's the first time for a very long time." Elara sighed and sat cross legged.
"I have fallen in love, with a young Mr. Malfoy. I also believe that I have become pregnant. My body feels different that it normally does, and your the only one that can help me." The painting smiled big.

"That's amazing, love. But, you are to young. What cause you do such things?" Elara sighed.

"I thought I was dying. My hair was lossing its color. But, when we." She paused. "My hair was turning back to it's real color.  It even got better." The painting nodded her head.

"Is your body making more magic than it normally does?" Elara nodded her head.

"How long does it take?" The painting smiled.

"As long as any normal baby. The only difference is they will not be born with a heart. There's a a very little chance they will be born with a heart."

"Thank you." Elara smiled.

"I'll always be here for you Elara, when ever you need me." She smiled before walking off to go to her room.

Elara couldn't help but smile. She was pregnant. She was engaged. And she had spoken with her mother.

Days passed until it was finally time to return to Hogwarts. Her stomach didn't grow like a normal person's would, but Elara was all but normal. She was more than uncomfortable when she entered the train, there were Death Eater at every entrance. Only Bellatrix and those who saw her in the Malfoy Manor knew of her being 'The Heartless'. Relief settled over her as she sat down with Neville and Ginny.

Elara and Ginny were whispering about her pregnancy, (Because they ARE best friends) when a group of Death Eaters entered. Everyone got quiet until Neville spoke up. "Hey losers, he isn't here."

Elara saw how their eyes narrowed at her friend. She didn't like it and neither did her pregnancy hormones. She took her hand under the table and squeezed it lightly, enough to cause pain but not to kill. Yaxley dropped to his knees, clutching his chest. Ginny's eyes immediately met Elara's. Elara uncluched her hand and rested it on the table, innocently.

"Who did that!" Dolohovo yelled angrily.

"Hey Idiot, it's impossible for anyone to inflict that type of pain on someone, unless you use an unforgivable. None of us know how to cast those spells." Elara spat. Lying through her teeth.

"Let's go Dolohovo." Yaxley said, leaving with his minion in toll.

"Do you know how risky that was?" Ginny whisper shouted at Elara.

"Yes. But it felt great." Elara said honestly. Ginny couldn't help but giggle at her friends words.


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