Chapter 25

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Elara hid her face in the chest of her one and only boyfriend. He held her close as cried in his arms. That nightmare was the worst one she has had yet.

"Please never scare me like that again." Draco begged as he tried to get his heartbeat back under control.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." She cried trying to control her breathing.

"Elara, please get out of the window. We can talk about this before you make any vase decision." Draco said calmly as Elara held onto the side of the window.

"I can't take it anymore. Draco, their voices never stop. Her laugh never goes away. The nightmares just keep getting worse." She cried out, looking over her shoulder at her boyfriend who was having problems fighting back the tears.

"I can help you. I know I can help you. You just have to help me and come back inside." She looked at him in fear, her body was shaking. "Please, Elara. I love you to much to lose you." He begged and she slowly started to climb out of the window.

He ran over to her and pulled her into his arms once she was safely back inside. He has tear streams on his face as he was still trying to breath.

"You have to keep this between us. You can't tell anyone Draco. Promise me this." She looked at him, all seriousness in her eyes.

"I promise, but I'm not promising that I'm moving past it. You just scared me half to death." He held his hands on her upper arms.

"I know, I'm sorry." She looked at him with a sadden pain in her eyes.

"We need to talk about this. Please tell me why you wouldn't want to do something like that."

"I don't know. I just thought it was the only way." He looked at her with sadness and hurt.

"There's always another way. Always." He kissed the top of her head as she wrapped her arms around his waist.

"I think it's time I tell you whats been going on." She said looking at him.

They sat down as she told him everything. Starting with the first nightmare to last night's. She told him about the voices she would hear. The feeling she had inside. The feeling as if she was dieing. He said nothing the whole time. Listen. Thinking. Planning.


"Everyday, every hour, this very minute perhaps. Dark forces try to penetrate this castles walls. But, in the end. They're greatest weapon is you. Here's something to think about..."

Elara and Draco were still shaken up about today's earlier events. Elara stared at Draco as her grandfather gave his speech. She was the distance look in his eyes. She looked at him and he stopped resting his chin in Hsi hand and crossed it with his other. She saw the sadness in his eyes.

Genny pulled her up as the speech ended and they walked off. Draco was the last thing she saw before being pushed out of the dinning hall.

  Draco hurried off to one of the bathrooms latter that night when he got a dead bird back in the transporter. He looked at himself in the mirror but he didn't see himself. He saw someone he didn't know anyone. Not only was Elara changing, he was too. All this sneaking around, it was putting a toll on him.

"You will, I think, prove most useful."  The dark Lords voice echoed in his head.

"Will just see who's laughing in the end."  His harsh words echoed. The words he spoke when Elara let for a moment on the train. The anger he felt for being told what he had to do, it took the better of him. 

He cried, trying to get ahold of himself.


Elara was hanging out with Genny for the day. And a long one at that. They had probably walked the whole castle somehow. She had started to get worried when Draco didn't show at their normal meeting time. She waited in the tower, sitting and looking out at the night sky. After an hour of waiting she headed off to her dormitory. 

She walked quietly as she lightly hummed to herself. A song had been stuck in her head fir a while now, she just didn't know why.

"I've been treated so wrong
I've been treated so long
As if I'm becoming untouchable"

She lightly sung as she walked down the hallway to the painting. She stopped when she heard foot steps running down the hall. She watched as Harry ran past her. She was confused, but continued on her way.

"There you are Elara, I've been looking for you everywhere." Ginny ran up to her best friend.

"I went on a walk, just thinking."

Ginny smiled, forgetting completely what she was going to say. Ginny had heard that Draco had been attacked, but she just didn't know by who. Just yet. They walked together back to the room they shared. Never once Ginny did say anything about Draco. She didn't want to worry her friend anymore than she already was. She could still feel like she was dying. Her body was killing itself from the inside out. And no clue on telling if it could've stopped or reversed.

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