Chapter 3

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The day went on, everyone went to their classes. It wasn't till study time, Elara was alone. She sat in a small area of the library no one ever seemed to go to, maybe because it was farthest from the books they would need. She sat quietly and studied, since it was her O.W.L. year. She had her eyes glued to the page she was ready, not really aware of someone walking up next to her.

"Why is it, that Snape never takes points away from you?" Her head shot up as the one and only Draco Malfoy was standing tall I'm front of her.

"Because, I don't do anything to get points taken away." She rolled her eyes before going back to reading.

"But he's always walking you somewhere."

"Maybe I ask him questions about his class." She didn't look up at him.

"There's no way you have more questions than Granger in you." She looked up at him, and rage was in her eyes.

"You don't know me, you know nothing about me. What's wrong for asking for help? No one ever dies from choking on their pride. And I can't wait for the day you choke on yours." She closed her book, before getting up and leaving.

His grey eyes watched her leave, before they caught the attention of the book she was reading. She may have been studying, but it was very far from the O.W.L.s. She has been reading about why her abilities were doing this to her. She wanted to know why it hurt so much.

As Elara walked down an empty row of books, she felt a sharp pain in her chest. She stopped in her tracks and grabbed onto one of the close by shelves. She fell to her knees, gripping onto her robe. She would say it was her heart, but she has nothing but a cloud of magic. She wanted to scream out in pain, but she knew she couldn't. She wanted to cry for help, but she had no one to cry to.

"Elara?" A voice questioned and she let go of her robe quickly. "Are you okay?" Seamus kneeled to her side.

"Yes, of course." She forced a smile. "I was just looking for a book." He slowly nodded his head before getting up and going to look for the headmaster, knowing she would talk to him more then himself.

Elara looked around before pulling herself up. She made her way to her father's class room as fast as she could without drawing attention to herself. But what she didn't know, she had drawn attention to herself. The grey eyed boy was figuring out her secret. Her secret that no one else was supposed to know.

She almost ran into his classroom. Everyone was making their way to dinner, so she needed to find him before she had left. Snape froze in his spot when he saw his daughter run into the room.

"It hurts so much, I can't take it anymore daddy." She cried, feeling like the five year old self when her mother was killed.

He ran a crossed the room, just as her knees have out under her. He pulled the necklace out of his pocket and placed it around her neck. She leaned on his as the pain slowly started to fade away. The tears slowed down until they were gone.

"Your safe now, that necklace will protect you." He whispered into her dark hair.

There was a loud creak before the sound of the door closing. Snape looked up as Draco slammed the book on a desk. Elara quickly stood up and looked him in the eye.

"You." Draco slowly walked closer to her. "How could someone like you have something so powerful?"

There was no way to see how he was feeling by the sound of his voice. He was mostly confused, but he was attracted to the secret side if her. She stopped as he came face to face with her.

"You've been lying everyone around you. You're supposed to be a Gryffindor."

"I've never lied once in my life, no one has ever asked. Like I said, you know nothing about me." He looked at her, his eyes catching a glimpse of the necklace. "You knew." He looked over at his god father. "You knew this whole time?"

"I've know since the beginning." Snape was now standing, watching closely.

"So the person closes to me, has lied to me."

"I haven't lied to you Draco." Snape walked to the two, Elara moving out of the way. "I've been keeping you safe like I've always have."

"She's dangerous!" Draco pointed at Elara.

"She's my daughter." Draco froze, more confusing washed over him.

He always knew something was up. Snape would never yell at her like he would everyone else. He took a step back.

"Who else knows?" Draco questioned.

"Only me and Dumbledore." Snape watched him closely.

"Let me talk to him." Elara whispered to her father.

She had laid his hand on his arm. Snape slowly walked out of the room, but stood close enough to hear if anything went wrong.

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