Chapter 51 - The Arena: Day 1

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I sat in my room, my stylist dancing around me. He is such a typical citizen.

"I can't wait to see you on the television. Kill everyone you can!" He said, squealing in his ridiculous Capitol accent.

"Killing isn't my forte," I reply, rolling up my jacket sleeves. "I'll do what I have to do."

"C'mon, this is the hunger games!" He piped, "you must kill."

"No I don't. What if I decided to-"

The intercom went off, letting me know we had a minute to say goodbye. Good.

"I guess this is goodbye," I mumbled. Normally, stylists start crying and hugging the tribute, but mine just stood there waving like an idiot.

"Knock them dead!"

He should've styled someone like Indigo or Vibia. I'm fed up of being told what to do.

The intercom went off again. 30 seconds left.

I stood in my tube, almost praying for the door to slide into place and let me block any sound that escapades my stylists blabbering mouth.

Neither of us said anything as we waited for the intercom to go off. Once it told us I had 10 seconds to get into place, the door closed.

Thank god for that, now I can't hear his words.

I looked at myself in the reflection of the glass door. This is me. I'm going into the Hunger Games.

The podium jumped as it began to elevate me into the arena. Jesus, this is scary.

Remember the plan. You're the leader here. You're going into the bloodbath and you must live. Or else Alberto and Confrey will die.

And if they die, you'll be killed. No slip ups.

"Tributes!" President Ammon's voice echoed around the tributes, most who were still adjusting to the brightness of the arena. "Welcome to the third minigame of the 500th Annual Hunger Games! may the odd be ever in your favour!"

Keep focused. The clock silently counted down, the number decreasing every second.

60, 59, 58, 57...

To my left was Ogilby and to the left of him was Vibia. Oh god, not Vibia.


To my right was Skene and to the left of him was Orchid.

I looked around the arena. Sand. Sand as far as I can see.

51, 50, 49, 48...

I looked behind me. Water. Water for miles.

We're being forced into the bloodbath. No one can swim properly. Except Billee, Gauis and Bramble. I gain eye contact with Skene. I tilt my head towards the water. He shakes his head and tried to tell Persei through emotion.

34, 33, 32, 31...

I catch contact with Confrey across the arena. He shakes his head. He has no choice but to join the bloodbath. Alberto can't be left alone.

We're all going in?

27, 26, 25, 24...

I scan the weapons lying outside of the cornucopia. There was a bow and a sheath of arrows in the middle of the floor, near the horn's tail.

I try to get Billee's attention, but he's so focused, he a ant even noticed the water surrounding the little island we were on.

"I can't do this anymore!" Mizar screamed.

The noise was deafening as she stepped off of her podium. Gauis and Ogilby screamed as their ally committed suicide.

She was next to Vibia, so anyone within three pedestals of hers got splattered with her insides. I gagged slightly as I was sprayed with blood. My grey wetsuit had become a red-purple colour from the blood that had soaked in. I should wash this off when I swim.

The water behind me started to turn a red colour, her body parts floating around. There is no chance I'm learning to swim if Mizar's guts were in there with me.

9, 8, 7...

I got myself into the running position, being careful as to not step in any blood splats on my pedestal.

3, 2, 1...


Every single tribute - other than Mizar - raced towards the cornucopia. I reached my bow before anyone else could take it. I'm not sharing this with Alberto. I got it. It's mine.

Already I'm being selfish and I've been here for a minute.

Most of the tougher people had made it inside the cornucopia. They were fist fighting, trying to get to their preferred weapon. The crunching of bones filled my ears. It wasn't pleasant.

I heard a scream. Shauna was on the floor, covered in blood. First death is always a weak one. The dagger that pierced her back became visible. I ripped it from her back. This could be useful.

I watched a harpoon fly past my face. Oh god, was Auricula trying to kill me?

The curdling scream of a male was heard. Auricula ran past me and took the harpoon from the body. Alberto's body.

I started to shake, not knowing where to run. There was no where to hide.

Or wasn't there?

I ran towards the water, not thinking straight. Maybe if I plunge into the bloody water, I will wake up. This is all a dream.

I dived into the disgusting water and let myself sink to the bottom. No, I'm not waking up. Oh god.

I came back up to the surface and his behind the small bank of sand. At least my suit had lost some of the blood.

I heard a scream I recognised too well. Confrey was being chased by Persei and her crossbow. She let the arrow fly, piercing Confrey's chest.

My alliance is totally screwed.

Skene and Persei ran up behind a struggling Thalia and beat her senseless. Skene drove what ever weapon he had down into her head. Blood poured everywhere. This is bad. Why isn't everyone following Gauis' idea?

Yasmin scratched at Otillie's face, trying to get him off of her. Yasmin's last scream was torture to my ears, making me want to cry. A trident went straight through her body.

Otillie stood up, no idea about what was going on. I couldn't bare this anymore.

I'm gonna kill I'll make my stylist proud.

I fired an arrow, aiming it at nothing in particular. It ended up going straight through Otillie's head.

I watched as an axe went flying by, colliding with a skull. The cry that followed made a tear trickle down my face. That was Wyatt. I didn't even need to see that death.

I slid into the water once again, trying to cover my tears. I could drown myself right here, right now.

I opened my mouth to scream and took in a load of water. Billee dragged me out.

"You were going to drown!" He cried. Behind him I could see figures diving into the water, trying to swim.

Orchid approached us. "C'mon guys," he yelled, "we need to go!"

We dived in, swimming as hard as we could. Billee pulled ahead, the work on the agility course obviously paying off. God, there were so many flaws in our plan...

Billee suddenly shot down, something attached to his ankle. I couldn't save him. He went purple in the face, his lungs ready to give in. He stopped struggling and fell to the floor.

Started screaming and threw myself at Orchid. "We have to leave him," Orchid said, tears welling up in both of our eyes. "We could be next."

I compelled myself to move faster than I ever have before.

"Orchid," I panted. "What if the water never ends?"

We both stopped swimming and stared ahead. Water as far as the eye could see. We have no hope.


I gripped the mace in my hand and pulled myself onto the small island I had found.

Persei spluttered as she threw her crossbow up to me. I have her a hand clambering onto the sand.

"We must've swam for an hour!" Persei said, her breath shallow. I flopped down and she copied. The two of us laid there like dying fish, covered in blood.

"Speaking of fish, think we'll be able to catch any?" I ask. "I'm starving!"

Persei went to reply, but we heard a bunch of cannons fire.


"Well, the initial bloodbath is over," Persei attempted a weak smile.

I sat and buried my head in my hands. "Persei, we've killed people," I said, feeling sick. "How many cannons?"

"Ten, I think," she replied. "Two of them our fault."

"Who went?" I ask.

"Nearly all of the huge alliance, Thalia, Mizar," she said.

"Did she have a cannon? Or did one go off before the timer went off?" I ask.

"I think there was a cannon for her just now," Persei said, emotion taking over her. She began to play with the sand. "I can't believe we're here."

I sighed, not knowing what to say. She came a bit closer to me, so I welcomed her. I opened my arms, offering support. She didn't reject it. She can be cold, but right now her sadness and fear had taken over.

"Let's check our packs," I whispered after about ten minutes of silence. What time is it?

"I stole two," she smiled. No wonder she was out of breath from swimming.
"Between them I've got a sleeping bag, matches, two empty drinks bottles, night vision goggles, a belt, stacks of food and a set of bandages."

"Not bad," I smile at her. "I have a sleeping bag, a pair of night vision goggles, flippers, a dagger, a drinks bottle, a whole chicken, medicine and a flint and steel."

"A dagger?" Persei's face lit up. "We can make a sand castle and carve windows in it."

"Well, this island is probably our home for the night, so why not?" I say, gathering some sand in my hands.

"This is why I love you," she said, laughing. We dug up the sand on our ten metre long island, making little houses.

I broke the roof of one on accident. "Hey look, it's my house!" I chuckled, but Persei's eyes were glaring at something in the distance. "What is it?"

She levelled her crossbow with the grey object swimming towards us in the water. She fired her bolt, which everyone else calls an arrow, into the water. The thing dodged it by a centimetre.

A head bobbed up and down in the water. "Persei! Skene!"

I walked to the edge of the island. "It's Vanity!" I say.

Once Vanity reaches the island, we help her up and apologising for trying to kill her. She shakes the apology off.

"What are you doing here?" Persei asked.

"Briar, Vibia, Violetta and Indigo are all mad killing machines. All of them won't stop at nothing to kill you guys because you're threats." She panted.

"You came to warn us?" I ask.

"If I'm here, Briar won't kill you first. I ran from him. Vibia won't either. Indigo will kill anyone she can. But Persei..."

Persei turned to Vanity, her eyes wide. "What about Violetta?"

"She's bitter about the bleep test. If she sees you, she will torture you!" Vanity cried.

"Torture who?"

We all sprang to the edge of the island where the voice was heard. Violetta and Briar were there, working together. They looked bloodthirsty.

"Go!" Vanity screamed. An axe was sent flying from the water. "Take this with you!"

I grabbed the axe and shoved it into the top of my huge backpack. Briar reached the island and slapped Vanity across the face as Persei and I slipped into the water.

"You bitch!" He cried. "You left me!"

"I didn't mean to," she sobbed. "I lost you. I found Persei and decided to warn her about Violetta."

"Violetta heard." Violetta stepped onto the island, another axe in her hand. She swung the axe over her head and drove it through Vanity's head.

I screamed underwater so they didn't hear a sound. Vanity had just saved our lives when we almost killed her.

'Swim,' I mouthed to Persei. We both raced through the water. Time to find a new home.



"You killed her!" I screamed at Violetta. "I can't believe you-"

"You have to kill everyone in these games Briar." She twisted the axe in her hand.

Crap. I realised I was weapon less after throwing my axe to Vanity. Now Skene has it.

It was supposed to be so Vanity could defend herself against Violetta if she needed to. She gave them the axe so they could live.

Vanity is the kindest person I ever got to meet. I don't want to go home anymore.

"I'm not going to fight you now," she laughed. "I'm giving you the night to run, then I'm coming after you," Violetta laughed. She changed in the space of a few days.

I didn't need to be told twice. I jumped into the water as inelegantly as possible. The splash back was horrific.

I cut through the water as fast as I could. I became aware of the darkening sky. They'll probably release a bunch of mutts into the water to kill off those who haven't found a home.

After about half an hour of hardcore swimming and a lungful of water, I reached the edge of an island. I heaved myself up into the sand, clinging to a huge metal circle.

Once I managed to catch my breath, I realised the metal circle was a podium. In fact, this was Vanity's podium. I knew because it was second on the end nearest the head of the horn.

"Who's there?" A girl voice.

"Briar. I'm here. I'm on the run," I replied, panting.

I looked up to see three faces staring down at me. Auricula, Arlu and Flux. Where's Thalia?

The anthem started booming and the four of us looked up into the sky. Billee. Mizar. Yasmin. Thalia. Shauna. Alberto. Confrey. Vanity. I felt tears pricking in my eyes. Indigo. Otillie. Wyatt.

"Indigo?" Arlu exclaimed. "I don't remember seeing her body here. There were only seven bodies and loads of guts here." Mizar's guts.

"So, explain your situation," Flux said.

"Vanity lost me. When I found her, the only person in the arena who made feel happy, was killed by Violetta. I want revenge." I started to shake, remembering the sandy cut that say on top of Vanity's fragile head.

"Look, you could join her," Arlu said, looking slightly awkward.

"I plan to. Once I've killed two tributes. Once they're dead, I'll die too. What's the point in going home?" I sobbed into the sand.

"You mean, you're not going home?" Flux said, looking like he was about to cry.

"Not without Vanity," I demand, smashing my fist into the soft powder.

"Let's get you some weapons then," Auricula said. "Kill Vibia and Violetta. For us. We want to go home."

After rummaging through the huge pile of weapons they had found, they gave me a new axe, a dagger and a whip.

"Thank you guys. I really appreciate it." I walked back over to where Vanity's pedestal was. "Rest in peace to all the fallen tributes today."

Flux let a tear out. He was probably thinking of Thalia. Arlu started sobbing, Mizar on his mind. She volunteered for the boy Arlu almost died with. Auricula stood like a rock between the three of us.

I put the dagger and the whip in my belt and put my axe into the backpack I had. "Thank you all again. I hope you win. May the odds be ever in your favour."

I jumped into the water to cover my tears. Now it was time to locate my two victims and kill them.

And kill myself in the process.


"Good evening Panem!" I announce to the camera. Fione gently squeezed my leg under the table. I smiled at her. She is always so supportive. "Today was a very emotional day for many of the tributes, and the citizens."

"Our first victim of the games was Mizar Rabbledeen, the volunteer from District 3," Fione said. "She jumped from her pedestal, in a suicide act. We think she did it because her friend Marius is dead."

I sniffed. "Next up, the real first death was Shauna Rudopline. The first blood was drawn by Briar. It looked like an accident from his expression. Was he aiming for Vibia at the time?"

"Our next victim was Alberto Jango," Fione said. "The boy was shot with a harpoon by Auricula."

For some reason, Mizar's suicide has left me feeling so horrible. I wanted them to disable the bombs. It was an awful sight to see. "Confrey from 7 was killed by Persei, using a crossbow. Thalia was then taken out, with Skene delivering the final blow."

"Yasmin and Otillie had a long battle, and neither of them won. Yasmin had her head skewered by Ogilby's trident," Fione said. "Theta then shot an arrow at Otillie."

"Next up was Wyatt Sloane," I announce. "He was killed by a flying axe. By the looks of things, Vibia was aiming for Briar. Wyatt was hit instead. I see a rivalry!" I force excitement into my sentence.

"Our last two bloodbath tributes, who weren't really bloodbath tributes," Fione said. "We're Billee and Indigo. Indigo drowned because she couldn't swim. Billee was dragged under by another tribute. After reviewing the footage, it turned out that Violetta took him out."

"Our last death for Day 1 was Vanity Strong. Violetta cut open the girl's head. Vanity warned the District 11 couple about Violetta's grudge," I say.

"Now, the most voted Capitol was a tie!" Fione squeals. "Both will be put into the arena. The rhinos will force tributes into each other, whilst the lasers will burn their skin. The next two you can vote between are quicksand or a giant flood, so get voting!" I felt Fione tense up next to me. This is sick. These games are sick. "I've been Fione Lickprivick!"

"And I've been Phillipe Honeyman. Thank you and good night Panem."

As soon as the cameras turn off, I throw up all over the desk. I can't take these games anymore. These tributes have real lives that are being taken away for fun. It has to stop.

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