Chapter 31 - Interviews

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I retied my green sparkling tie, shining under the lights of the stage.

The cameramen counted down from 5. I sat in my signature pose and greeted Panem.

"Good evening Panem!" I yelled. The citizens screamed over the theme music playing in the background. "Once again, we've been taking requests for questions and the tributes will come out in pairs. Our first pairing is Jorge and Phoxus!"

The two boys walked out onto the stage. Phoxus wore a light blue tux, just like his brother did 10 years ago. Jorge's outfit included a dark blue waistcoat and a top hat.

"So, boys," I laughed. "How have you been recently?"

Jorge shrugged. "I've been just fine. Especially since training!"

"Meh," Phoxus mumbled.

"I must say, you both had incredible scores in your private sessions. What did you do?" I asked.

"Same as the stuff I did on camera." Phoxus seemed on edge.

"I cannot tell you," Jorge replied. "For if I did, then I would be breaking the rules." For some reason, he looked like he had already broken some kind of rule.

I pleaded, "pretty please?" I asked, the Capitol citizens screaming his name, wanting to find out his secret.

"If I had done something boring like Phoxus, I'd tell you," Jorge said, more serious than before. "However, I'm sure my session would be frowned upon by the loyal citizens."

Phoxus sniggered. He knew exactly what was going on.

"We're almost out of time," I frowned, looking at the clock. "One more question. Is there anyone special at home?"

"I have my mum, my dad, my baby sister and my girlfriend. I love them all so much," Jorge sobbed. "If I don't make it, remember me. I love you all."

Phoxus awkwardly patted Jorge on the shoulder. The realisation that only 3 come out finally hit Jorge.

"I have Shadow. He is my only family. Shadow knows exactly how I feel right now." Phoxus said. 10 years ago, Shadow sat on this very stage, scared about the games. "Hey bro, if you're watching, you're the best guy I've ever known. Stay strong if I die. I hope to see you soon."

The buzzer went off. "Sorry guys, but time is up. Good luck to you both." I said, showing them where they need to go. "Next up we have Sage and Grandis!"

Grandis and Sage strolled on stage in their arrogant way. Sage wore a tux very similar to mine, whilst Grandis was dressed like a posh school boy.

"Hello boys," I say. "How are you today?"

"Hi Phillipe," Sage chirps. "I'm brilliant this morning. Tomorrow I'll be killing people. Isn't this great?" The crowd cheered for his murderous ways.

"Hiya," Grandis smiled. "I'm awesome. I'm a Career, I always feel good, especially about the games."

The crowd love these guys. Not me though, too evil.

"You two are very handsome. Do you have any special girls at home?" I ask.

Sage shakes his head. "I could have any girl I want, but love holds you back. Look at previous games. All of the couples in the games face heartbreak." I nodded, understanding where his point came from.

Grandis looked like he was about to cry. "I loved a girl named Cathie." He looked up at an Avox in the crowd. "She was my life. Her parents betrayed the Capitol. She was forced to serve as an Avox to them."

"I'm sorry about that," I said. Fione could be an Avox with the amount we slag off the Capitol behind the Presidents back. I can't imagine what I'd do.

The buzzer cut us off, signalling that time is up. The two boys bowed and the crowd yelled at them. "Up next is Spiro and Leporis!"

Spiro and Leporis walked onto stage, staying far away from each other. Spiro wore a red suit. Leporis wore a pastel yellow tux.

"Hey there guys, how are you?" I smiled at them. They sat on the sofa as far away from each other as possible, with Spiro next to me and Leporis away from me.

"I'm okay, I guess," Spiro laughed uneasily. "I mean, tomorrow I could be dead, but I don't mind. I have no family and my only friend is here with me."

"That's not me," Leporis glared at Spiro. "You mean Spikelet?"

Spiro nodded. "He helps deal with my ADHD and bipolar mood swings. Medication doesn't always work. You need comfort."

"Moving on," I say, feeling slightly awkward. "Now, what happened during your private sessions? Leporis, we've seen your skills. What went wrong?"

Leporis shrugged. "I can't be bothered with it all. What's the point in trying if you have no one to live for? I don't want fame and fortune if I have no one to share it with."

Spiro looked at him. "Your family loves you to bits," a look of anger flashes in his lime green eyes. "You are such a selfish bastard!" He screamed and lunged at Leporis.

Two Peacekeepers came and separated the pair, the teenagers trying to claw at each other's faces.

"It's only because of your mum and brother that I won't be killing you," Spiro screamed. "Your family love you!"

Leporis said nothing, still trying to pull Spiro apart. The buzzer went off, but it was barely audible over the screams of the Capitol and the two boys on stage. They were dragged off by the Peacekeepers.

I introduced Sectus and Spikelet and they walked onto the stage. They looked a lot less uncomfortable than the last two tributes. Sectus wore a blue shirt and black trousers, while Spikelet wore a brown suit with a green tie like mine.

"Hey guys," I beamed. "How are you?"

"I'm missing home," Sectus said, frowning. "I wonder how my parents and all of my siblings are doing."

Spikelet smiled, smoothing back his dark hair. "I'm nervous, but at least I've enjoyed it so far. I've made some amazing friends and allies. I'm very find of Terrapinn, our escort. I owe her for introducing me to some of the food here. It's incredible."

I smiled. "You two are very popular within the Capitol, being different and having interesting personalities. Tell me, have you got any preferences for the arena?"

Spikelet smiled. "Somewhere with caves. Sectus and I go into the caves a lot at home, so I'm pretty sure we'd benefit well there." Sectus nodded in agreement.

"I also wouldn't mind water," Sectus said. "Not just a river, but an entire cornucopia surrounded by water. Swimming is so fun." Spikelet didnt agree much with this statement.

"One last question. Are you in alliances?" I asked.

Spikelet nodded. "Not with each other though. We made a truce. We won't kill each other, but we won't work together for ages like allies. I'm teaming with Spiro."

Sectus looked at Spikelet. "In a worst case scenario, like if all of our allies die, we'll team," he said. "I'm teaming with Stevia, and Devon is another I made a truce with."

The buzzer cut us off. "Sorry boys, I'd love to stay and talk, but our time is up. Give it up for all of our District 2 tributes!"

The people roared and yelled, love being declared for the boys. Women were swooning all through the audience and men were applauding and waving money in the air, wanting to sponsor their favourites.

"Now we move on to District 6!" I announced. "First up, we have Cherrie and Tifa!"

The two girls walked on stage, showing the variety between all of the tributes. Cherrie wore a little pink frock, her blonde hair curly and cute. Tifa wore a black dress and had her dark hair tied up in a sophisticated ponytail.

"Hey girls," I smiled. "How are you?"

Cherrie smiled, her innocence and adorableness filling the air. She's too young to die. "I'm okay. I'm scared I'll be killed by a big brute, but other than that, I'm fine."

Tifa looked at Cherrie, trying to resist comforting the 12-year-old sweetheart. "I can't wait to get my hands on them Careers. Break their necks and slit their throats." Tifa snarled. Cherrie looked a bit puzzled as to why someone would enjoy torture so much.

"Um, okay," I said. "Now, is there any certain arena you guys are hoping for?"

Tifa laughed. "It's about the killing, not the layout," she punched her hand, sadistically laughing.

Cherrie sighed. "I don't know. Anything I can climb on will be good. Trees. Buildings. Anything I can use to escape the Careers." She left the sentence hanging. She knew Tifa could kill twice as fast as a Career.

"Finally, have you made any alliances?" I asked.

Cherrie shook her head. "No. I'm 12 and I didn't get a high score in training. No one is interested in me."

Someone in the crowd screamed "I love you Cherrie," and the crowd suddenly burst into screaming. She blushed slightly. "I love you all back."

Tifa shook her head too. "I am not teaming. I made that clear to everyone. I don't need allies to survive." She's tough.

BUZZ! "Sorry girls, but that's time. Good luck in the games!"

They left the stage and joined the other tributes. "Next up we have Devon and Aldjoy!"

Aldjoy was fully groomed, wearing a white tux studded with quarts. Devon wore a jumper, tie and smart khaki trousers.

"Hey boys!" I chirped.

"Hi Phillipe," Aldjoy replied moodily. Devon nodded my way, but didn't say anything.

"How are you both today?"

Devon shrugged. "I'm happy. I'm clean, well fed and I'm not alone. I haven't been this happy for months."

Aldjoy slumped in his chair. "I shouldn't be here. I am a rich citizen, my father being the mayor's best friend. I am too good for these games."

Devon glanced over at him from under his brunette locks. "I'm guessing this is why you got such a bad score in training?"

The Capitol laughed at Devon's comment. Devon is pretty cool.

"Boys, do you have anyone special at home?" I asked.

Aldjoy nodded. "I have a beautiful girlfriend. And obviously, my rich family." God, he is such a snob.

Devon shook his head. "I have my work friends, but my family died from infection sometime about 4 years ago. Honestly, I'm not going to be a sore loser. If I'm in a fight and they happen to be better than me, they can take my life. I don't mind."

Aldjoy snorted. "Of course you'd lose in a fight."

Devon rolled his eyes. "Said the boy who got a 6 in training."

The buzz cut off their bickering. "Good luck boys!" I say. They left and Cresselia and Jackson entered onto the stage, holding hands. Cresselia wore a lilac dress; Jackson wore a grey suit.

"Hello lover birds," I laughed. They laughed back. "Let's get into things. Anyone back home you're fighting for?"

They looked at each other and nodded. "My sister, Zenobia," Cresselia whispered, almost in tears.

"Zenobia is 14 and homeless. We're both extremely worried about her," Jackson said.

"I can assure you she is okay," I tell them, although I have no idea if she's okay. "Is there a preferred arena?"

"Not really," Jackson said. "All of them will have horrible twists."

Cresselia nodded. "The arena isn't the problem. For me, it's the mutts."

I nodded. I'd hate to be in the arena, especially with a mutt chasing you.

"Last question." I smiled at them. "Would you two die for each other?"

They both nodded. "Of course," Cresselia said. "It would be like you and Fione. You're the best of friends. You and Fione are the best part about these games."

My heart melted in my chest. She was right. I gulped back my tears.

"Thank you," I said, the buzzer cutting us off. "I hope to see you again soon."

They took each others hands again and left the stage.

"Next up we have Lawson and Carlin!" The boys both walked on, waving at the audience. Carlin wore a pale green tux. Lawson wore a dark blue suit.

"Hello boys!" I smiled. They both smiled back. "So, you are both very popular here. Anyone at home you're fighting for?"

Lawson shook his head. "My family aren't really around, due to work. The only girl I have ever loved died in that classroom where I lost my hand."

Carlin patted his friends back. "I have my mum and dad, along with my friend, Josef. Other than that, no."

"Another question here." I said. "We know that you are teaming together, but who else is a member of the alliance?"

Carlin looked shyly at Lawson, waiting for him to explain. "We're friendly with Muscida and Astonia from 10, we get along with all the orphans and we've had some friendly conversations with Phoxus, Spikelet and Sectus."

"Is there anyone you don't like much?" I asked.

Lawson shook his head. "Not really. Everyone here is a good person deep down. No doubt that I'm scared of certain people, like Grandis and Tifa, but I don't dislike anyone."

The crowd cheered for Lawson and Carlin as the buzzer went off. They'll both be very popular in the games. If they make it past the bloodbath.

"Now we move on to District 10. Give a warm welcome to Astonia and Muscida!"

The two girls strolled out. Astonia wore a long white dress with a faux fur coat. Muscida wore a flowing purple dress with a matching amethyst necklace.

"Hey girls," I smiled.

"Hi Phillipe!" Astonia piped. Muscida waved to me.

"You two look gorgeous. However, you are both without your families for obvious reasons. What would winning mean to you?" I ask.

Astonia looked at Muscida. "Winning won't do anything for us. My personal goal is to help Lawson and Carlin get as far as possible." Astonia said.

Muscida scribbled away on a whiteboard through Astonia's answer. Astonia took the board from Muscida and read it. "I don't care about winning. I want to prove that I am stronger than I look. I will cut off the tongue of a tribute to let them suffer my pain." Astonia read. The crowd screamed with delight, unable to wait for the gore Muscida was going to bring.

"Any certain tribute you want to get?" I asked.

Muscida thought for a while, before writing down some names. "Leporis for his selfishness. Tifa for her arrogance. Sage and Grandis for their cockiness. Aldjoy because he is a snob." Astonia read from her board.

"Very interesting list." I smiled at her. "So girls, last question. What arena will you be hoping for?"

"I don't know. Snow would've been nice, but that's already been done." Astonia looked at Muscida. "I wouldn't mind any arena, as long as their is enough wildlife to kill and eat."

Muscida handed Astonia the whiteboard. "I would like an arena with fire. A hot arena with lava and scorching sun. It'll be like home in the fields. The warmth is best."

The buzzer went off. "Sorry girls, but time is up. Good luck in the games!" I smiled. They both stood up and bowed to the crowd before leaving.

I introduced Duncain and Nitya. The two walked onto the stage, shy and timid. Duncain wore a light red suit and Nitya wore a short orange dress.

"Hey guys," I said. "How are you today?"

"I'm scared," Nitya quivered. Duncain nodded.

"You two received very low scores. Is this a strategy to look weak?" I asked.

"No, it isn't," Duncain said. "I prayed and painted a picture of God in my session. I'm a pacifist. My dad is the vicar of the District." I nodded, understanding why he got a 2.

"I don't really care about looking weak or strong," Nitya said. "My session wasn't interesting."

"Do you have anyone special back home?" I asked.

"My family, my friends, my neighbours. I hope The Lord will keep them safe when I am gone." Duncain said.

"Not really. My family couldn't care less about me," Nitya sniffed.

"One last question." I asked. "Being small and timid tributes, will you be making a trip to the Cornucopia?"

"Of course," Nitya laughed. "I want to get my hands on something, just so no one else can have it."

"I don't know," Duncain said. "I'll decide what I do at the time. Whatever my conscience tells me to do, I will do. God is a person's conscience." Nitya looked at Duncain as if he was mad.

The buzzer cut them off. "Thank you guys, I'll hopefully see you soon. Next up is Vamos and Stevia!"

Vamos wore a dark blue tux with a yellow shirt and Stevia wore a grass green dress that fell loosely around her.

"Hello you two," I smiled. "How are you?"

"Hey Phillipe," Vamos smiled. Stevia nodded my way.

"Now, you two are very interesting characters. How would you describe yourself in 3 words?" I asked.

"Underestimated. Different. Grateful." Stevia said.

"I would say the same to be honest." Vamos said.

"Okay. So, what alliances do you have?" I asked.

"I'm with the twins," Vamos smiled.

"I have a little deal with Sectus from 2," Stevia said. "I've also said that I would help anyone who helped me out, but I'm not having an alliance of 10. Don't get any ideas people."

"One last question. Is there anyone back home you're trying to win for?" I ask.

"I have the orphanage," Vamos said. "My 9-year-old brother, Dash, is my life. I've spent years protecting him. I want to win so I can help him."

"I have my nephew," Stevia said. "My sister had a baby when she was 14, but died a few weeks after. I was only 4 when he was born. She would've been 27 a few weeks ago. My nephew is called Casio, and he is almost 13-years-old." She looked out into the crowd as if he was there.

The buzzer went off. "Thank you for talking to us. Good luck in the games. Our final tributes are the twins, Rupilia and Friary!"

Friary wore a short red dress; Rupilia wore a long turquoise dress. Both of them had their dark hair tied up in French braids.

"Hello girls," I beamed.

"Hi Phillipe," they replied in unison, getting giggles from the crowd.

"Now, you both did very well in your private sessions for 12-year-olds." I said. "Do you fear any tributes? Or are you feared by others?"

"I think we have some kind of intimidating factor," Friary laughed. "But we aren't the strongest."

"We don't need to be," Rupilia pointed out. "We are underdogs."

"Awesome!" I said. "Now, will you sacrifice yourselves for each other?"

They both nodded. That was an easy question.

"What has been your favourite thing at the Capitol?" I asked.

"The food," Rupilia laughed.

"My prep team and stylist. I love some of the clothes here. I admit, not everything here is my taste, but I love what I am wearing tonight." Friary smiled. "I would totally wear this at home if I could afford to wear these kind of clothes!"

"I have one last question." I said. "We all know you were abused in an orphanage. If your orphan friends are watching, what would you like to say to them?"

"Hello everyone!" Friary chuckled, waving. "Stay safe!"

Rupilia was more serious. "If we don't come home, please stay strong. You know how to find food. Find foster parents. We love you all dearly."


"We're all out of time. Thank you girls!"

They walked off of the stage.

"That was the last of our tributes." I said. "Our theme for these games, of you haven't guessed, is forest biome! Now, as you all know, our Capitol Catch is coming up. This first catch will be between lava pits, carried over from the last game, or booby traps, varying from crossbows in trees to mines buried in the floor. You have until the Bloodbath cannons have sounded, so get voting! The Capitol Catch will take place on day 2." People in the audience began to vote through their phones. "I have been Phillipe Honeyman, thank you for your time. Goodnight Panem!"

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