xlx. christmas day

620 64 16

25th December 2029

Dear Universe,


And I actually mean it, I'm not making shit up because it's supposed to be a happy day - I actually am merry. The whole house is. And although both mum and I believe that Christmas is actually about spending time with the family rather than opening presents, we all got each other something this year; and we went to the prison to see dad this morning.

It was so good to see him.

And this evening I'm going over to Wyatt's house with mum and Tatty for a family dinner. I'm really looking forward to it - even if the likelihood of Tatty fucking it up with some weird shit, or of mum mentioning how she's handling the with-drawl of pot; is pretty high.

I don't really care.

I mean, a part of a relationship is getting to know the other family - and accepting them despite their fucked up or uptight ways. And. And. I really really like Wyatt.

I think I love him.


Did I just write that?

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