xl. funeral

683 64 12

9th October 2029

Dear Universe,

I've decided to tell you about Orion's funeral. Just because it's happened, and I think it'll help if I talk about it. I don't know, it helps when I talk about other things - maybe this will be the same?

It was a shit day to start off with, the rain is now slowly beginning wear off but the humidity that follows is disgusting. Not hot enough for the actual summer, but hot enough to make me wear a single layer of clothing. Not only that but a whole shit load of people neither mum, dad, Tatty or I knew, turned up. People from college he never talked about, ex-girlfriends that were there for the free food and weed. Old teachers we couldn't give a fuck about - and the shittiest of them all?

Students at my school, that I'd never spoken to before. People that were feigning my aquaintence so they could take the day off of school and go and see off the spirit of someone they hardly knew. It was the worst thing overall that day.

Then the service began and it was so boring. The only thing I could think about was how that was not how Orion would've wanted to be sent off. He would've wanted us to celebrate his life - not mourn his death, and I'm pretty sure mum and dad knew that - however they were, still are, so grief-stricken that they didn't really comprehend what he acutally would've wanted.

So, that sucked. Then the whole event was finished with a weed session in our garden - which was the only reason half the people who came, actually came. That also sucked - thanks to the people that didn't care about Orion and cared less of his death.

So, I don't think this helped. But I did it, and that counts for something - right?

Overall, a crap funeral - and so far the crappiest week of my life.

Can you make it better?


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