lvi. girlfriends

616 72 33

15th November 2029

Dear Universe,

We're leaving for Grandma Milly's tomorrow afternoon and I can easily say - I am still detesting the idea. I won't be able to write to you, I'll be stuck with the consistent smell of off milk and that disgusting musk that seems to hang around old people like a fog.

I really don't want to go.

She'll be criticizing my grades, poking at my slightly protruding stomach and repeating these same words: "You're not fat dear Cosmology, you have a lovely little stomach - just remember to do Pilates each night and it'll be nice and toned for all the boys."

I don't want it to be nice and toned for all the boys. Only Wyatt.

But he said he liked my squishy tummy - so I don't care anymore.

And... he also asked me to be his girlfriend. I told him I was a friend that's a girl and he rolled his eyes, kissed me - and said: "Well duh Cossie, but I mean girlfriend with the kissing and the cuddling and the only committed to one person, kind."

So, I said yes,


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