xlviii. things are changing

656 58 12

24th October 2029

Dear Universe,

So, things are changing. With everything. And I think it's mainly for the better. Maybe. Like. Me and Wyatt are a lot closer now, I went to the park with him after school yesterday. That was cool. Martha and Gemma don't talk to Emily and I anymore. Emily is snogging Ben against her locker in between classes and probably fucking him in the weekend. I don't know, I don't live with her and we don't talk about those things. Thankfully.

Mum is spending a lot of time with Tatty and in that time she taught her how to bake. They practiced with brownies. Hash brownies. Yeah. I know. Trust me, I was fucked off too. I mean, She's nine - nine-year-olds should not be consuming pot in anyway. Period. (Even though I was, but that's irrelevant. Tatty was supposed to be the table turner in our family). Table turner is a saying, isn't it? I swear it is.

Who cares, they're my letters. I can write what I want,

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