lxix. the pill & herbal stores

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20th December 2029

Dear Universe,

Em, Ben, Wyatt and I all went to the beach the other day and we've decided to go up to my beach house after Christmas. Just after New Year. Ben said he'd drive because he just got his licence and Wyatt said he can bring his parents kayaks for the lagoon up there. Em and I are going to go shopping for new bikinis on Boxing Day. I'm really excited, and I'm not usually excited for anything.

Oh, and I'm on the pill. Mum took me to the 'lady doctor' after she walked in on Wyatt and I doing the dirty one day she was supposed to be working late. I'm all fine for it and a super big bonus is I don't get my period anymore! Fuck yes!

Mum's also decided to use some of the money Grandma Milly left us to open another of her herbal stores somewhere else. I'm really happy for her. And she's really happy too. And it's nice to see a smile on her face - a true smile.

After everything we've been through it's really good to see,


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