xxvi. fireworks

737 64 15

16th September 2029

Dear Universe,

The party is raging and I am hiding.

I had to run down to the beach with a beer bottle I drank out of (I feel so cool writing that), some paper and a ballpoint pen. Luckily the bonfire is closer to the house; I usually go a way down the beach to send these off. Oh, yeah, the college kids that Orion invited started a bonfire.

Emily was sitting on Ben's lap when I last saw her, Gemma was making out with Jack and Martha was dancing with Wyatt. That was round about the time I left. I couldn't bear looking at them all close and personal.

Interesting fact: This is the first time I've written to you twice in one day.

Moving on:

If there are fireworks; I might slap someone. You know the average one hour firework display results in increse of strontium in the atmosphere by 120 times, magnesium 22 times, barium 12 times, postassium 11 times and copper 6 times of what the air was formally like previous to the show?

I've opted for no more fireworks. Ever. They're too bad for our environment and ecosystem - the poor thing has suffered enough as it is.

I hope you don't pollute - if you do you're an asshole and I want to stop writing to you,


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