vii. immortality

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12th August 2029

Dear Universe,

As you can see I've started to date these letters. I thought a littler harder about the foreign island and figured it would be pretty cool to be remembered in history. I can see why Achilles chose to go to Troy when he could have had a fantastic life in Larissa. The temptation of people forever remembering you after you're gone, is a strong one indeed. It is immortality without the religion.

Troy is my favourite movie by the way, I hope you've watched it, Brad Pitt was so hot.

Martha doesn't like it much, there's "too many deaths and not enough romance" - the only way I bribed her to watch it was by saying Brad Pitt was in it and that he happened to be shirtless during the majority of the film (even though he actually wears his armour - I just added it to make sure she couldn't weasel her way out of watching it). I wish I never made her; at any point in the movie when he wasn't in direct site; she'd throw popcorn at me until he showed up again.

Our friendship is weird.

Oh, and Emily got the Samsung Galaxy Seven 3.

Rich materialistic bitch,


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