liii. let's open up our eyes

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A/N: Super proud of this chapter - and this is my opinion on religion. And I think it's also a lot of people's. Sorry - I just wanted to tell ya'll that

8th November 2029

Dear Universe,

I went to church with Em, Ben and Wyatt today.

It was great.

Not only was I holding hands with Wyatt the entire time; but I also managed to remember one of the hymn's we sang. It's called 'Let's open up our eyes'.

It goes like this:

Let’s open up our eyes,

And see what God has done.

Together let us all behold

God’s great creation!

It’s so vast! It’s so grand!

Each detail by His almighty hand.

Look around, look and see

All the things made for you and me!

I think I remembered it because I really like it; and I really like it because it's what I've done. I've opened my eyes, metaphorically, figuratively and spiritually and I've seen how God has affected the world. How its made this world what it is. And although there is a large amount of Bad that has been created in the name of religion; there is also inarguable Good too.

I've been reading the bible (I borrowed it off Em), and I've also realised that those Bad things that've been done in the name of the Lord, those beliefs, are all interpretations of passages in the bible. Not once does it mention God's hatred of lesbians and gays and bi-sexuals. Not once does it mention that. It is only people's comprehension of what the text is telling you - that is the cause of bad deeds.

And the more I learn of religion, the more I like it. I doubt I'll ever become Christian, or Catholic. Neither Muslim nor will I commit myself to Judaism. Although the likelihood of me accepting Buddhist spirituality are higher; the chances of me going down that path are still imperceptibly small.

I do not think I will ever join a faith.

However; I now have an irreplaceable respect, value and understanding of God, religion and how it affects and inspires people in general. I can enter a church without shuddering in disgust, I can join in on Em's conversations about her religion. I'm getting A's in RE; a class I was failing due to lack of attendance - and when I did attend, disruption to the class and attitude towards the teacher.

Basically; I wagged, and if I got caught - I called the class brainwashing bullshit with no actual academically nor intellectually enhancing benefits.

Needless to say, the teacher is both shocked - and pleased with my recent progress.

I can proudly say I like religion.

Fuck off,

I can feel you judging and laughing at me,


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