xli. attention

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27th September 2029

Dear Universe,

Orion set off early this morning, Tatty cried her heart out because her "Big Penciled Brother was going away." She didn't even see his 'pencil', as far as I know. And besides, it's not that bad - he's off to try and re-enrol in med-school because apparently "being with family gave him his spark back", I don't even know, my family is weird. We didn't do anything encouraging - we either ignored him; or in Tatty's case, came close to giving him an unintentional hand-job.

I'm honestly more worried about his driving skills - or lack thereof. The roads are dangerous around this time of year - with the rain and everything. Oh, did I forget to mention? I probably did, anyways - it's spring now. We get a lot of rain in spring, I don't like rain much so I tend to not mention it in these. But, yes; I just did... so maybe that means I like it more than I used to? I don't know.


Martha is still ignoring me - but Wyatt seems to use every opportunity he has to get my attention. The other day I was chatting to Emily about this really old T.V program called "Absolutely Fabulous" and how it was absolutely fantastic, when he walked past, winked at me and said: "You're absolutely fabulous".

Needless to say, I was on a high for the rest of the day.

But Emily couldn't stop nudging me, which was fucking me off.

Something bad always follows something good, it's inevitable - and annoying,


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