xlii. church

657 63 10

11th October 2029 

Dear Universe,

I went to church with Emily today. I'm not going to lie, I kind of enjoyed myself. Not in the way that I immediately got baptised and repented all my sins to the 'Good Lord', I just felt like I was in a really loving atmosphere. And I feel I've been without that lately.

The thing is, although I still don't believe in a God (much to Emily's dismay), I had a funny thought after the service. Imagine if God was really a fox wearing a ski mask that can talk and type. That was all it took to make me laugh - which I haven't done for the last couple of days.

I guess church does bring some light into people's lives,

I don't know, all I do know is I felt accepted; and that's enough to make me want to go again,


A/N: Sorry to interrupt the flow, I just want to say the fox ski mask bit; I didn't make up - it's from the brilliant mind of @idioms

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