Chapter 30

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It was an emergency. They again had to call for the rescue squad. I was fine almost all day. All of a sudden it hit. I couldn't breathe and began to gasp for air. This happened twice before I remembered they were right before Halloween and Thanksgiving. I missed out for both. But maybe there will be next year. Go figure it was close to another holiday. It was already mid December.I was sick that much was clear and I was praying it wasn't graft vs. host. I've been going out and I shouldn't have my immune system is too weak. I felt it before lunch. A pain in my chest in and around my lungs. I winced but pushed it off as pain from treatments. My face was flushed and pale I felt so sick I could barely eat breakfast. Leo noticed this and after breakfast I leaned into him since his arm was wrapped around me. He had felt my forehead. You are warm you've got a fever again he said concerned beginning to frown. Do you feel alright he asked. I mumbled no and shook my head no still leaning. I coughed as I've done most of the day. Come on let's go rest if you don't feel well I can finish up later he said pulling me to my feet. We knew how serious that this could be that last one nearly killed me I'm just to weak. I followed him to the living room. We had our book bags ready as always in case of an emergency. Maybe we should go to the hospital to make sure I have a bad feeling April,he said quietly looking deep into my eyes. He helped hold me up to walk to the jeep. In the kitchen I felt faint and dizzy. A pain hit me harder in the chest. The next thing I knew was that I was gasping for air and then Leo and the ceiling were getting farther away and the ground got closer. All of it went black as I lost all consciousness. He picked me up and laid me on the couch. Hopefully I don't die we didn't think it was anything to really worry about and not even close to far enough along to make me black out yet. He laid me down gently on the couch and frantically called for a rescue squad and Sarah at the hospital. The squad was taking me where she was and where I've had all my treatments. The same medics laid me gently on the stretcher that they had ready and they started running with me to get me out of the house. At the hospital the pulled me away and lifted me to the gurney. The medics were kind and comforted him as he was crying and fell to the floor continuing to cry. He's thinking he has or is going to lose me.  I never woke on the way. When I first woke again it was to a bunch of noise all around me. Temp ,someone asked. 103.5 ,someone else replied. I'm counting 92 a minute getting a bit slower and then it speeds up again ,someone said. What is this we need to know what's going on ,someone called out. 90/60 ,someone else said. Bright lights flooded my eyes and I let out a groan. I noticed we were moving fast. What's happened, I barely whispered my eyes squinting against the brightness. The pain had gotten worse. Everyone was busy they didn't answer because they didn't hear me. I could feel the nubbins. Need X-rays ,someone said. There isn't enough time for that ,someone yelled. We've  got to check ,they yelled back. Do we need to check the signs are clear enough ,someone replied. She had a fever earlier and barely ate breakfast,had a small cough and she blacked out after gasping for air,a vaguely familiar voice said. We need a drip, a voice yelled. We are too late for that it's much too advanced ,a voice replied. What are our options,someone screamed. Sarah was the one telling my symptoms. Thank god she's here. Where's Leo. Sarah ,I coughed out. It was silent. April ,she questioned. I'm confused and scared what's happening ,I asked. Don't worry love it's going to be okay we have you now you are gonna be fine you are alright ,she said. She has dropped down to 90 ,someone yelled. Everyone panicked and took off running again. The lights were rushing in a blur by. A different ceiling I'm in a room not a hallway. Temp is 86 now ,an urgent voice said. Hold on baby, Sarah said holding my hand. They slid an oxygen mask on my face now. I started to feel colder ,things blurred ,the pain worsened and I started to shake. It hurts Sarah it hurts ,I whined barely getting it out. I know I know baby it's okay hang on hang in there,she said. Tell Leo I love him, I said. I will though he already knows he loves you too,she answered stroking my forehead gently. Heart rate dropping rapid at 30 a minute right now ,someone yelled frantic. I Started gasping for air it hurt despite the mask I couldn't breathe I pulled for air but nothing. Then black nothing again. I woke again it was quiet and dark in the room. An IV in my arm. Sarah was beside me. He loves you he'll be back I promise he was going to change and get a little sleep ,she said. When you get sick like that from low white blood cells you get a type of sepsis and sometimes it can cause death in you case it did but we got you back ,she informed me. I don't know why we didn't look for signs since you were so sick we should've seen it coming so much stuff could've been avoided had we checked everything sooner your temp blood pressure heart rate and everything sooner you were confused that was a common symptom we should've seen it  ,she said. Get some rest ,she said ,Leo will be back later. My surroundings blurred and my eyes slowly blinked closed. A couple days later I heard the doctor in the hall. Her organs are shutting down unless the antibiotics kick in she may not live through another night we barely got her back and through last night she's very week ,the doctor informed them. Leo had passed through the check area running to my room in the ICU. I could tell he's been crying again. Sarah squeezed his shoulder as he slowed down and passed her entering my room as she left to give him privacy. I was in a private ICU room again I could tell. The noise,smell and people always checking on me. The infection came over me so fast this time and so much more serious. I got worse the faster it progressed. Oh baby hold on hang in there for me fight you can do this you can win,he said continuing to cry again after taking a seat and grabbing my freezing cold hand. I'm still alive for now. Graft vs. Host would've probably been worse I can survive this I already have in a way.

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