Chapter 49

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April's POV
We walked in and I went straight to the living room I wasn't ready to end today yet. He looked confused as to what he should do. Come on,watch some tv with me,I called and waved him on. He shrugged and walked me way. I turned on the tv to see Hocus Pocus which was my all time favorite Halloween movie. He sat down then lay down,making room for me. I slid my tennis shoes off and then curled up beside him. He put his arm over me. Leo,I asked before we got overly comfortable. Yeah,he asked confused. Can you pull that blanket down,I asked. Yeah sure,he said. He covered me up with the blanket then returned his arm over me. We just lay there. Eventually,the day's events must've caught up to us and we both fell asleep there on the couch watching Halloween shows and cartoons.

Sarah's POV
I was finally off my shift. I was debating calling them to make sure that everything was okay but it was after 2 am. I know they haven't been getting much sleep and I certainly didn't want to wake them. I started out toward my car and began my decently long drive home. I entered the house as quietly as I could. When I walked in the tv was still on which wasn't normal. I was confused maybe the left it on accidentally which is weird because they normally watch in their room. I know Adam left for a friends tonight. April and Leo were curled up asleep on the couch together. It brought tears to my eyes. I knew how much she was hurting knowing she'd had a recurrence. I know Leo was hurting too and I know how much worse it will be if she can't beat it this time. The blanket she was covered with was half on the floor. I walked quietly into my room to my closet and grabbed the quilt off of the top shelf. I took it back out and spread it out over both of them. They didn't even stir. I turned the tv off and then went to find my own bed and shower off.

April's POV
Sarah came in at some point. This I could tell because I was cold. My blanket was half on the floor but I didn't want to move because I was mostly asleep and I didn't want to wake Leo. I felt a thick and heavy quilt being pulled over us. It felt nice,it must've been Sarah. I fell back into a deep,comfortable sleep again and didn't move the rest of the night. When I woke the next morning,I was content to just lay in his arms so I didn't move for several minutes until I smelt it. Sarah was making eggs,waffles,and French toast. It smelt heavenly. Leo,I whispered. Hm,he said quietly still half asleep. Wake up,I think your mom is making breakfast for us it smells good,I whispered. At that his eyes popped open. It does smell good,he whispered. I nodded. I sat up and then he followed suit. We walked out to the kitchen together. Good morning,sleepyheads,Sarah greeted us. Good morning Sarah,I said and yawned. Some party y'all must've had,she stated. What do you mean,we both asked very puzzled. You didn't move once and it's 11 o'clock,she said. It can't be that late,I said then looked at my phone. It was which was weird we never sleep that late. Oh well. I'm making some food if you want some,she said. Yes please,we both said and began to laugh. Once we finished breakfast I went to the bathroom to shower quick. When I was done I watched as the steam went away and my face appeared in view. The dark circles under my eyes were prominent and to myself I was already beginning to look like my sick self again even if I thought I left that girl behind me a long time ago. I would soon be too weak to barely get out of bed. We don't want to let my cancer go without treatment for to long because it's recurrence means its aggressive which lowers the chances of treatment working again. So when I begin my immune system will just be building itself back up before
I completely decimate it again not that I have much of a choice if I don't do this I will die, the treatments only lessen my chances of dying even if they're total crap to get through. I have to try I ain't going down without a fight. Finally, a short rap on the door and Leo asking if everything was okay, broke me out of my reverie. Yeah, I answered,I'll be out soon. Okay,he replied and walked away. Finally I opened one of the spacious drawers. My drawer with some of my makeup and hair supplies in it. In the back, I saw the electric razor I had used before. I reached to pull it out and found some pink hair dye as well. Before I begin I may as well have fun and so I began. I plugged the razor in as a lone tear slowly made its way down my cheek. I started to shave in the front first where I could see before reaching around the back and shaving that off too and making sure it was even. I trimmed my bangs back with the pair of scissors that had been hiding with the razor. The longest hair I had left was on top. I had shaved the sides super short. I looked down at the large pile of hair curled around my feet before looking up as I fought off tears again and another lone tear made its way down my cheek. I grabbed for the box of pink dye and pulled it open. It had a small brush included. I brushed pink streaks in my hair with careful hands. When I was done I began to work on my makeup. I applied foundation first before adding eyeliner,eyeshadow and lastly mascara. Once I was sure I was done and satisfied and my hair was dry I made my way out of the bathroom enveloped in a soft plaid shirt over top of dark skinny jeans. To finish the outfit off, I put on my Chuck Taylor's before returning to the kitchen. Immediately Sarah and Leo glanced up at me and just stared a moment. Woah,Leo said. He was the first to break the silence. They both were speechless which was new for them. This never happened before. What,I questioned. You look beautiful,you always do but now you look even more badass and beautiful,I'm glad to call you mine,he answered. Sarah just nodded with a small smile growing on her face. I grabbed Leo's hand and started pulling him after me since he too was already ready before pulling open the porch door and walking outside.

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