Chapter 32

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It was two days after Christmas. My excitement of snow and being home with Leo never faded. There was a new surprise and adventure awaiting everyday. I was thinking this as I sat in chemo again. He wasn't aloud to come with me this time but he sat outside the glass window reading or something. He looked up and the second our eyes locked I felt it inside me. I saw him blush shyly and I smiled. I loved him. He's the reason I'm fighting this. I was home for Christmas with them because of him. Another hour passed in the almost completely silent room. Finally Kate came in and removed the IV and wheeled me out the door to Leo. From there he took me down to the car and another nurse took the wheelchair back in. I actually didn't get sick this time on the way home. I knew it would hit later. They had put me on anti nausea meds so I may get sick later but right now I feel fine. At home I climbed out by myself after Leo opened the door. I jumped up into his arms. I held onto his neck and wrapped my legs around his torso. He hugged me back as I began to cry. They weren't tears of sadness. We stood there for several minutes in the snow like that. What I didn't know was Sarah was inside. She was off this whole week to spend time with us. She captured the moment in a photo. He carried me around the side of the house and put me down. I stood there enveloped in his warm arms. I looked up as he was looking down. He leaned closer and my eyes closed on instinct alone. Our lips met in a single second I felt warmth tingling and spreading throughout my body lighting my body on fire with a love that was nothing but real and true. When we broke off we both gasped for breath. I hugged him one last time and we went in holding hands. The rest of the day was spent laying in bed watching movies and playing video games. I did get sick a couple times but only that night and it wasn't as bad as normal. He didn't listen and remained against my will by my side. He doesn't care that I'm sick he loves me. The next four days went by fast doing much of the same. We sat in early morning light on the porch swing with hot chocolate sitting on a table close by. I leaned into him and he warmed me. Was looked into it together. We kissed again then just held hands until it was so cold I had to return inside. We went to see my parents the day after my treatment. Two days ago he surprised me with a date at one of our favorite restaurant and a movie. Today was New Years Eve and no doubt I would be spending it with him. I've made it since last September though I didn't really have holidays last year I was much too sick. I've survived a year of this and there will be more. I go back to the doctor the second to reveal my test results as to whether I am in remission or not. I was terrified. I was laying in bed about to sleep it was almost three and I'll probably be up to see the sunrise again. I enjoy the beauty of it before the world truly awakens. It was a good day and it was already the new year. We had spent time outside looking at the sky and talking,holding hands and making out a little. I had laid on his chest. We came in to dinner then watched the ball drop on TV. Leo entered the bedroom and slid in next to me as I rolled on my side and looked at the wall as I began to cry. I cry way too often it's getting on my nerves. April,he said firmly. I wouldn't look at him. April look at me,he said even more firm. I finally gave in and rolled over looking into his beautiful eyes. What's the matter,he whispered against my forehead concerned. I just....Leo I know I'm in love with you,I whispered back offering a small smile. I know I love you too but why are you crying,he said a small laugh rising in his throat. Because Leo I'm afraid of not being with you I get the results in two days to see if I still have cancer,I don't want to lose you,I said a sob rising in my throat. I know I know,you aren't gonna lose me okay,he said and pulled me close to his chest to quiet my tears. He stroked my short hair. How can you be so sure,I asked. Because I love you too I'm never letting you lose me,he said. He wiped away a stray tear from my cheek with his thumb. Eventually we fell asleep long after the last tear had dried. A few hours later I woke tired but went onto the porch to watch the sunrise. He joined me and right as its descent above the trees began we kissed. Slow and smooth the light of the sun shining between us. We sat close there for a long long time. A few hours later after I'd showered and changed he told me to grab my sweat jacket. Do you want to see something,he asked as we crossed the yard. Of course I do,I replied slipping my hand into his. We continued as he led the way into the wooded area surrounding the house. We followed a path through the trees with the gorgeous winter sunlight breaking through the cracks. Finally we reached a spot with a small wooden bench and a little tree house overlooking a creek. There was so much sunlight here and lots of wildflowers. We sat. This was my favorite spot as a kid and it still is its quiet,private and beautiful and I wanted to share it with the most beautiful special girl I know,he said. This summer we will go to Florida on our trip as long as the doctors say it is safe. I looked up and smiled at him. Tomorrow was the day I get the results I was dreading it. I wasn't sure what they would say. Later that evening after dinner I was tired and so I fell asleep. Leo slept on the couch next to the bed and held my hand throughout the night. His grip never faltered and he didn't let go. We woke early again to get ready. I dressed in comfortable leggings and an oversized shirt with one of Leo's sweatshirts on. I knew he'd be with me but I want to be able to smell his boyish smell while I'm there. It comforts me and makes me feel safe. Ready,he asked. As I'll ever be,I replied. We walked out to meet Sarah already in the car with the heat on. We climbed in the back and soon arrived at the hospital. I took a deep breath before we entered. We walked to the conference room. All of my doctors were already there. We sat across from them as they were about to explain my dilemma. Well April,we've overlooked the test results from before you left and we've found the results,one of my doctors began.

Chasing After My Life. (Another cancer story)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat