Chapter 40

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About an hour later I had been drifting in and out of sleep when I felt Leo gently lift me up from my pile of blankets on the floor. I opened my eyes. Leo,I mumbled. Shh...everything is okay,he whispered. He lay me down on the bed carefully. He went to walk away and I grabbed his arm. Stay,I whispered as I began to drift off. He walked around and got onto the bed. He wrapped his arms around me and I fell asleep. The next few days were filled with caution as they monitored me for signs of pneumonia. I was okay though,something would've shown up by now. I was getting stronger each passing day as I recovered. Leo didn't leave but stayed caught up on work at home. I did what I could. Most of my teachers are understanding of my condition. I was able to walk on my own now that my foot was better although there is a huge bruise there it doesn't hurt which worries me that I may be sick again. I am supposed to go back to school tomorrow. My phone buzzed with a notification from Beth. I opened it. "Hey there I was wondering if you make it to school that you'd maybe want to go to the mall or see a movie or whatever tomorrow after school? We never really get to hang out anymore." I quickly typed a response. "Sure I'd love to I don't think I have anything going on tomorrow I'll just tell Leo not to wait up. I miss hanging with you too." She replied,"great sounds good." Leo walked into the bedroom a minute later. How's your foot,he asked. Better,I feel like I could run 20 marathons,I joked. Well enough for school,he asked. Yeah and about that I made plans with Beth after school since I have tomorrow free so don't wait up I'll be home later tomorrow evening,I replied. Okay that's good,I have practice anyway,he said. Okay,I said. For the next while we sat quietly reading until we went to bed. When we woke early the next morning I found myself wrapped in his arms. I was actually excited. I'm going back to school today and for the first time in months I have plans with a friend after school. I quickly picked an outfit and did my makeup. I slid all my books and stuff into my bag and walked to the kitchen where Leo met me with a cup of coffee. I accepted it gratefully and let it warm my always freezing cold fingers. He had made French toast with powdered sugar and blueberries just as I preferred it. I gave him a quick kiss and sat down to eat. He joined me and soon we were ready to go. My classes all seemed to pass quickly that day and because of what I've went through so far I didn't even have that much makeup work to do. I met Beth in the front lobby right after all of the bus crowd left. Are you ready,she asked whipping out her car keys. Yep,I answered and followed her as she began walking out to the parking lot. She unlocked her car and we threw our bags into the backseat. We began to drive. So lately how have you been darling,she asked. Lately I've been pretty good I guess,I've been in remission almost a month now which means I am coming up on a monthly check up to make sure I've remained in remission,I answered. So how have you been,I asked. Oh darling,I've been okay but school isn't the same without you there,she said. Well we can look forward to the fact that I think I'm back permanent this time,I replied. We sat quietly for awhile and began to sing when a song came on the radio that we liked. It was soft at first but soon we turned it up as we went down the back roads. We ran into town pretty quick and were at the first stop light. Do you want to go--,was all the Beth got out before we were hit head on. We weren't able to do anything as we noticed the car recklessly driving straight into us. All I felt was the moment of impact which I believe it what life is about. Moments of impact. Right after my head hit the headrest of the seat and I was blind sided by airbags, I fell unconscious. Which for me was good considering that the pain was nearly unbearable in the moment I was awake. All I thought before I fell unconscious was hoping Beth was okay,hoping Leo would be near,and the fact that I had a feeling in my stomach but had blamed it on excitement and nervousness at going out for the first time in months. It was a little after 5. Little did we know that Leo had taken a nap. Beth was still conscious and was mostly okay. I on the other hand was not. I was unconscious and could possibly die. I was terrified at the way events were unrolling today. An ambulance arrived and medics frantically worked over me. Since the city only had one working ambulance at the moment that had medics they took me first since I was the most critical of us all. These moments would be my deciding of whether I live or die. Beth managed to find a phone and quickly dialed Leo's number which she had taken to learn by heart. As he woke to his phone vibrating the beside table he didn't know the number. Oh god,he managed to think and hoped it wasn't about April or Beth. He answered quickly and still sleepy.

Hello...his sleepy voice called through the unexpected call around 5 that evening. Hello,Leo! A frantic unknown female voice called out through his phone speakers. Hello who is this,he asked again more awake not believing he fell asleep and wondered who was on the phone and how they knew him. Leo,this is Beth,we were just at a stoplight going dinner and to see the movie and we took a hard head on collision,she explained quickly. Beth,he asked questioningly still not completely awake. Yes Leo there was an accident it was bad I'm okay but April took a hard hit,the car rolled a few times, its definitely totaled,the passenger side up front took most of the blow,she said quickly. Slow down,Beth,what happened,he said. There was an accident,it's bad April is hurt,she needs you,the ambulance just took her it was serious we agreed I was okay and for her to go first. They are taking her to the closest hospital then maybe transporting her to her regular one once she is stable,she explained. Oh my god,he said and began to run in a mad dash to grab his keys. He was out the door in less than a minute and climbed in his car before speeding to the hospital and praying she'd make it until he made it. The call was ended. He called Sarah immediately and told her what happened and she already knew and was waiting for them both and for April a trauma team. He arrived there just when April did. She was unconscious and pale. She was intubated. She was bleeding bad. I understood then what Beth had meant. I ran with them,holding her hand till I wasn't allowed to anymore. Mom came out hours later to the waiting room and told me she was still alive and hugged me. After the stress of today and being worried about April I began to cry as my mother comforted me once again.

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