Chapter 50

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It was one of those perfect fall days. The weather was just right with the perfect amount of sun reaching through a practically cloudless sky. The temperature was just as well the right temp at 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Leo was still staring as I pulled him down the stairs. What,I asked him. Nothing,he replies shaking his head and coming out of his reverie. I stood in the center of the yard as I pulled my phone out of my back pocket. Leo saw what I was doing and easily took the phone. I got in close before he made me laugh as he took the picture. Then our faces got close as another picture took and then we were kissing. When we broke apart breathless he returned my phone to me. I looked at them. They were perfect. Better save these memories before I'm locked away again. Also because I don't know how much time I've got left no matter how much I want it. He makes it worth living through but if anything were to happen he's the person worth dying for in order to save his life. I don't know everything but the one thing I know for sure is that I'm in love with this boy. The type of love that only happens in fairytales. I was lucky enough to feel it,to witness this fairytale kind of love. This once in a lifetime out of this world love.

Two weeks later...

Well I was back in the hospital. I started chemo a week ago and have been stuck here since and probably will be for the next month. I really hate chemo because it just makes me feel so bleh all the time. The first couple of days I was physically sick off of it compared to the normal nausea and loss of appetite it was so much worse. It was already mid November. Leo had sent me pictures on Halloween because Sarah was with me helping me get settled on my first day for the long month and probably months to come. He did come to visit. Because I'm still in the pediatrics oncology wing we had a small thing. Some smaller kids dressed up in costumes and we earned a small bag of candy from the nurses and doctors. Everybody seemed to cheery no matter what crap they were going through. Now I was sitting here,curled up on my bed and staring out the window. I did have a nice view of the town and I was comfortable in my clothes and not the hospital gown. That's what I was thankful for. I hate those gowns. They're so scratchy and uncomfortable. I also had one blanket from home that I had pulled over me. My hair hasn't started to fall out yet but I know it will soon I was already debating shaving it off but I figured I still have a few more days. I fell asleep just before dinner in my position staring out the window. I hadn't been sleeping much and I really needed it. I woke up around 8 pm to an extreme heat. At first I was wondering if it was just me. Whether or not this was the end for me or if I'd already gotten deathly sick with a fever. I jolted awake with a start to the smell of smoke and the sound of an alarm going off. What the heck,I wondered to myself. I started to cough. I have to get out of here,I thought frantically just as a nurse burst the door open to help me out. What's going on,I yelled over the noise as she handed me a rag of sorts to hold over my face. There's a fire,it started on this floor,nobody is sure how but we're evacuating everyone,all of the kids and everyone on this side of the hospital are out now but you,she said. We made our way quickly down the stairwell with her help. Little did I know things would get worse. Sarah had went home a few hours ago and Leo was coming back down to take her place but apparently Sarah and Adam had joined her along with Sarah's husband. I almost collapsed in the stairwell because of the heat and smoke still flowing from the pediatric ward without the added fact that I'm sick. Come on sweetie,we have to keep moving we're almost there,the nurse encouraged before she picked me up to get me down the last two flight of stairs because we were running out of time. The fifth floor,the pediatric floor,was going to collapse any minute. I was the last one evacuated from that floor everyone else was out.

I pulled up to the hospital just as mom and everyone else parked behind me. The scene in front of me paused me in my tracks and took me a few minutes to believe it was happening. It was really happening and it was my worst nightmare. I quickly pushed the car door open and practically jumped out. Mom looked at me in panic as grandma and Adam stayed in the car and Mark,my stepdad also stepped out. My dad,Patrick was supposed to come tomorrow to meet April but I don't see it happening now. We were caught staring at the hospital on the pediatric side of the hospital that was caught entirely on fire. April,I yelled before taking off towards the hospital with mom and Mark hot on my tail. We got over to where the firetrucks were parked and furiously pumping water into the flames. I looked over everyone and April and a pediatric nurse were still missing. April was missing,that mere thought hit me like a bomb. April,I screamed. Where is she,I yelled as a panicked nurse pointed at the hospital. I knew what I had to do. As a firefighter yelled after me,"Sir you can't go in there." I was already long gone into the smoke and flames. The heat was unbearable and it hurt to breathe. The smoke was so thick. I kept running and yelling her name as I tried to find her even with the smoke over taking my lungs and causing me to cough unbearably. I almost collapsed but was determined to keep looking. I kept searching and heard someone calling my name. A short time later I collapsed.

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