poem 10

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And when she thought she had been so damaged ,
She crossed path with someone who needed more than just the Aid

Lost hope he thought he could take it all
And she was a believer but scared to retaliate because of the free fall

How ironic it Is for he had a frozen heart
But His love thawed out .
A seething dragon he'd rattle his cage
Distraught in angst he destroyed one thing he couldn't live without

She heard the loud clattering of the windows and braced herself for the impact as she stood at the door

Warmth of his fire set her into flames
The damage was done
And she was the one to blame

Walking on that dead end Road to her misery She wanted to be his knight
Blow after blow the little hope she was left with held on to it so tight

Waiting for eternity... the wait was in vain
Fighting the lost battle all they gained was numb pain

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