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Hey! So yeah. That's the real ending. Haha! Okay. Let me say all the things I want to say.

First of all, THANK YOU VERY VERY VERY MUCH. This is not the first story I published here in Wattpad because I already published a lot of poems and short stories. I also have one chaptered story before but I already gave up on that. Lol. As for Asianfanfics, I wrote 2 one shots before this fanfic. So this is not really the first fanfic I published but I consider this the first one due to it being the only chaptered story that I finished writing. And thankfully, it received a lot of positive feedbacks from you guys. The number of reads, subscribers, votes, comments and those who added this on their reading lists. Thank you guys. You don't know how much I'm thankful.

Before, what my only goal in Wattpad was to have 1000 reads. That'll make me the happiest 'frustrated writer' in the world. But 26 000+ reads on wattpad? 21 000 reads on aff? I'm going to die happy.

Writing was always been my passion and I'm really happy for what this story achieved. And not only that. Through this story, I met someone who I can consider now as one of my dearest friends. I mean, she threatened me multiple times and that's how our friendship started. Great right? Hahaha.

Those who often comment, I'm already familiar with your usernames. Haha! I actually want to be friends with you all especially in Watty since I don't have friends there, but I'm too shy to chat with you.

And of course, the silent readers. Hello! Haha. I really don't mind if you didn't comment at all because I, myself, is a silent reader too in many stories I'm reading. Haha. So it's only fair. Lol.

But seriously, I treasure every reader/subscriber of this story and I wish I could show you all how grateful I am. You guys don't know how many nights I cried, and literally cried, due to me being so overwhelmed.

Thank you thank you thank you thank you. Not self-promoting but I really hope you'll support my other upcoming stories. But it's fine if you don't want. Hahaha.

Okay. I think this is too long enough. Maybe you're bored. I talk too much right? Sorry. Haha. I just really want to say thank you and sorry if it was kinda rushed. I actually don't want to end this because of the reads and votes and comments but everything has an end, right? So yeah. Thank you again!

YOU ARE MINE // JiKook [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now