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I don't know who to believe anymore. I want to trust Hoseok. I want to believe everything he has said. But I don't know. He's still my suspect.

What is this happening to us? Why of all people, why one of them? Why would they hurt Jimin like this?

Seokjin hyung, Hoseok and Taehyung. They've been friends since they were still little. I knew them all since middle school. Hyung always protects Jimin. He's always there whenever Jimin needs help. He's always the one who takes good care of him whenever he's sick and I can't come. He treats him like his own brother since he's the youngest in his family. He always said that he wanted a younger brother and he wanted it to be Jimin.

Taehyung. Taehyung has always been so clingy to Jimin. He asks for Jimin's help even though he can do it alone. When he knew our relationship, he distanced himself. Whenever we tease him that maybe he likes Jimin. He always say to us that he just likes Jimin as his bestfriend. Anyone would be lucky to have Jimin as his bestfriend. He doesn't want to have any other. And he said that he can't see himself and Jimin being a 'thing'. Jimin is his bestfriend and that's what he just want it to be.

Hoseok. A combination of Seokjin hyung and Taehyung. He's always been so clingy to Jimin. He also said that he want Jimin as his younger brother. After Jimin's parents died, his older brother followed soon after. That's why for them, for us, we want Jimin to just be happy. Hoseok's always makes sure of that. He always plays with Taehyung and Jimin. Always makes sure that he'll never see the younger cry. But just two years ago, he tried forcing his self to Jimin. I was not there to witness it. Only Seokjin hyung told me what happened. When I confronted him, he admitted that he likes Jimin. More than just a brother. More than just a friend. I almost killed him but Seokjin hyung and Taehyung stopped me. Jimin was there too. Hyung decided to kicked Hoseok out of the house but Jimin, knowing he doesn't have anywhere to go since his family's in the states, and Jimin being just an angel he is, told Seokjin hyung that everyone should just forget what happened and just move on. He said he's fine living in the same roof as Hoseok. After that, Hoseok distanced himself. He changed his schedule to morning shift just so he won't see Jimin. And hyung told me that everytime Jimin and Hoseok would bump to each other in the house, Hoseok would just say sorry again and just leave Jimin alone. I know for the past months that Jimin is not happy. He's hurting because of that but we can't do anything since it's Hoseok who decided this. Not us. Well. I kinda want him to distance himself from Jimin.

Now. Why? Whoever that guy is. Why is he doing this to Jimin? Because he likes him? That's not a good re-


"Oh. Sorry."

"No. I'm fine. Sorry too."

"Hey. Are you alright? You look like you're going to pass out any minute."

"I'm fine. Really. Just thinking things."

"Oh okay. I'm sorry again. I'm Namjoon."


"Wait. By any chance, are you Min Yoongi?"

"Do I know you?"

"Ah! Kim Namjoon. I'm Kim Namjoon. I'm the one Taehyung told you that I will help you tracing Jimin. I'm sorry I wasn't able to come. My sister's sick so I need to stay with her."

"Oh. I see. Nice meeting you. Everything's fine now. I already got Jimin."

"Really? Nice to hear that. I'm really sorry that I wasn't able to help."

"Actually, I still need some help. Are you free right now?"

"As in now? I'll just tell my parents that I'll be out for a while then we can talk."

"Okay. I'll just have to inform my friends too. Let's meet here after..."

"10 minutes?"

"Make that 15. I need to sign some papers for my friend who is being discharged."

"Oh. Okay. Laters."

"And oh! Namjoon?"


"Can you not contact Taehyung or inform him that you already know about Jimin?"

"Huh? Why?"

"I'll tell you later."


YOU ARE MINE // JiKook [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now