After the call

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Maddie's Pov:

I am sitting on my bed listening to my duet music when my phone goes off. It's a unknown number I hesitate to pick it up but then decide to pick it up. 

I don't know who it is, but they are trying to make me to stay away from Dakota. I am worried cause the person said they were watching me but i push it aside and text him.


Maddie<3: Hey boo.

Dakota:): Hey cutie!

Maddie<3: I just had a number call me at an unknown number.

Dakota:): Do you know who the person was?

Maddie<3: No, it was a girl, and she was telling me to stay away from you, and that you will be hers. Then she said she was watching me.

Dakota:): I'm so sorry, I wish we knew who it was so we could tell your mom.

Maddie<3: Me too, I will see you at dance babe I have to go to my private.

Dakota:): OK! I'll see you later, love you

Maddie<3: Love you too

End of Texts

I go get ready and changed into black booty shorts and a sports bra, i throw my aldc jacket on over top and skip downstairs to go to my private then to get on the bus to go to the comp.

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