Chapter 49

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*time skip to Valentine's Day*

I've never really liked Valentine's Day. Mostly because I've never dated anyone. I've always just treated it like any other day until someone would remind me what day it was. As much as I'd like for today to be different, I doubt that will happen.

"Abby!" Someone whisper-yells through my bedroom door.


"Can I come in?"


Dad walks in and closes the door behind him then sits down next to me.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"Well, as cliche as it might me, I want to propose to Pete tonight."

My jaw drops.


"Yeah. Do you think it's too soon?"

"No! Of course not! Haven't you two been dating for almost 6 months already?"

"Yeah but, what if Pete thinks it's too soon?"

"I'm sure he won't. It'll be fine. You two have been best friends for years now and just because you've only been officially dating for 6 months, doesn't mean you can't propose yet."


"So, how are you planning on proposing?"

"Well, there's this nice restaurant about a half an hour away. I'm gonna take him on a date there. We've actually been planning to go there for awhile now, but it's really fancy and you have to get reservations for it and it's always been full. We managed to get a table tonight because someone had to cancel and since the manager there knows me, he was able to slide us up the waiting list to tonight."

"Sounds great!"

"Good. I've already bought the ring and it's been nearly impossible to hide it from him."

"Well you won't need to hide it from him anymore after tonight!"

"I hope so."

Someone knocks on my door.

"Come in!" I yell.

"Abby, I need your help wi-oh Trick you're here. I'll just leave you two alone."

"No it's ok I was just leaving." Dad says.

"Oh ok." Dad stands up and walks out the door giving Pete a little peck on the cheek.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"Do you think Patrick would say yes if I proposed to him tonight?"

I hold in a giggle. "I'm sure he'd say yes."

"You sure? 'Cause we've only been dating for like 6 months and it might be too early and he might not want to get married yet and maybe he just wants to keep dating and never get married and maybe-"

"Pete. You're rambling and overthinking it. It'll all be fine."

"How are you so sure?"

"Because I've been in the same room with you two for more than 30 seconds! It's so obvious you guys are in love!"



"Ok thanks Abs."

We both leave the room and join the rest of the guys downstairs.

"Um. I have something to say." Joe says. We all look at him. "Well. Um. Well. Andyandiaredatingandwereallythoughtyouallshouldknow."

"One more time and this time, a bit slower." Dad says.

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