Chapter 12

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"Abby! Wake up!" Joe said shaking my shoulders.

"I'm up. I'm up!" He let go and went downstairs to wait for me. I got dressed and went downstairs to join him.

"Ok, so I would never do this under any other circumstances, but I thought this would be hilarious."

"Ok? What are we doing?"

"We're giving each other make overs!"

"What-oh my god are you serious?"

"Yeah! We are gonna go to the mall, buy makeup and pick out an outfit for each other, then come back home and do the makeup and stuff, then have lunch and go to the store while wearing it!"

I was laughing so hard right now I could barely speak. "Ok! That sounds fun let's go!"

We drove to the mall and split up to buy clothes. I know I suck at makeup so I'll buy nice clothes, but not too nice since Joe isn't going to be very nice with the clothes or makeup. I get him black jeans and a black jacket. Then find a shirt that coolest grandpa and get that. Then get orange tennis shoes and a necklace that has a heart on it. I meet up with him and we go into a makeup store. We get a ton of stuff, half of it we don't even know what it is. (I'm not going to say what all they got cuz idk anything about makeup) We went home and put on our clothes. Needless to say, Joe looked ridiculous! I got my clothes and saw what he bought me.

Yellow leggings, a white shirt that was WAY too big, a black leather jacket, and cowboy boots. I knew I should've got the pink jacket I saw for him. I put it on and we both laugh at each other. We go to the bathroom to start doing our makeup.

"Wait, I need to get something." I find Pete and he laughs at what I'm wearing. "Shut up. Joe looks just as bad, but we're doing each others makeup and I want your straightener." Pete starts laughing again and gets his straightener.

"Here you go." I go back to the bathroom and put the straightener by the door so Joe can't see it.

Then he starts my makeup. He put foundation on and pink blush. Then bright purple lipstick, eyeliner that he attempted to wing, black eyeshadow, mascara, then tries to fill in my eyebrows. I looked so bad. (As you may have realized, idk how to makeup) Now it was time for my revenge. I grab the foundation, it was the wrong color. Then I get blush and get a vibrant pink. I find blue eyeshadow and mix it with sparkles. Then I put eyeliner on, a lot. I then put mascara on and fake eyelashes. I find a bright orange lipstick and put that on. I tried to do highlights but I don't even know if that's a thing.

"Ok you're done right?" Joe asked nervously.

"One more thing." I get the straightener and Joe looked terrified. I've never used one before. I attempt to straighten his curly fro and burn myself. "Ok I'm down now."

He says something I don't hear then we look in the mirror. We both looked like a 2 year old did our makeup and picked out our clothes. We laughed at each other and went downstairs to have lunch.

"Oh my god what did you two do to each other." Is the first thing we head from Andy. Dad and Pete turned around and saw us. After sitting silent in a moment of shock, they laughed so hard, Pete even fell off his chair.

"I can't believe you straightened Joe's hair!" Dad said between laughs. Joe pouted and I laughed at him. After everyone calmed down we had lunch. After lunch we left and went to the grocery store. We didn't actually need anything, but we thought it'd be fun to buy a bunch of crap. We go to the ice cream isle and got vanilla ice cream.

"Ooo! Uncle Joe, can we get stuff for ice cream sundaes?" I asked

"Yeah sure." I got chocolate syrup, caramel, sprinkles, whipped cream, and cherries. We kept getting weird looks and people wondering if they knew who we were. But no one came up to us yet.

We went to the chips and got a bunch, then went to the candy isle and Joe told me I could get whatever I wanted. Then a fan came up to us.

"Are you Joe Trohman and Abby Stump?"

"Yeah! You a fan?" Joe said.

"Yeah! Can I get a picture with both of you?"

"Sure!" We said at the same time.

After the picture the fan asked, "sorry for asking, but why do you two look like that?"

We laughed and Joe answered. "We thought it'd be funny to do this and then go out in public!" The fan laughed and thanked us for the picture then left. We got some more things then checked out. The cashier couldn't take us seriously and probably thought we were trying to hide something like we were the joker.

We went home and put the food away and saw the guys had left leaving us alone. "Do you wanna play Mario Kart?" Joe asked.

"Yeah! But just so you know, I'm a master at this game."

"You sure about that? Let's make a bet, whoever loses gets pushed in the pool."

"Deal." We played the game and we were tied with 1-1. It was the last race and I was going to win. Joe was in second then out of no where a blue shell hit me and Joe won.

"Haha! I win! Come on! I hope you like water!" We went out to the pool and I stood by the edge then Joe pushed me in.

I got out of the pool and grabbed a towel. "Ok, I'm not losing to you, so best 2 out of 3."

"Ok. What does the loser do?"

"Loser gets a pie in the face."

"Deal." We played and I won by a long shot. I grabbed the lemon pie with whipped cream and walked over to Joe. He closed his eyes and I slammed the pie into his face.

"Whatever. We still have one more game." He mumbled. "What's the loser get?"

I thought really hard and then came up with a hilarious thing, as long as I don't lose. "Winner get to make the loser into a human sundae."


We started the game and it was really close. Joe was about to win when I got a shell and hit him, causing him to lose.

"What! NO!"

"HAHA! I WIN!" We went outside and I got the things and we sat in a chair. First I covered him in chocolate syrup, then caramel, and sprinkles. Then put whipped cream on his head and put a cherry on top. "Done!" That's when the guys came home and saw us outside with Joe covered in things for ice cream. They started laughing and took a picture. Joe wanted to go inside but he couldn't because he was covered in chocolate syrup. I was laughing at him and he came over to me and gave me a big hug. Dad took another picture then came outside.

"Do you two need some help?" He grabbed the hose and starting hosing us down. We still looked ridiculous and went inside the wash up and change. Then Joe took me out for dinner and we had Mexican. We went home and we all decided to watch some Supernatural then went to bed. Tomorrow I get the day with dad!

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