Chapter 22

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*time skip to June 12*

Today is my birthday. I'm 12 today. Part of me hopes the guys do something for my birthday, but the other part of me hopes they didn't spend any money or go to any trouble for me. I've never celebrated my birthday, so if there isn't anything, I'll be fine with it.

I grab my phone to check Twitter and Instagram. There are hundreds of birthday wishes! I find the guys tweets and see that they told everyone today was my birthday. Then one thing catches my eye that Tyler Joseph tweeted. @abbystump happy birthday! Hope u have a sick as frick day!

"OH MY GOD TYLER FREAKING JOSEPH TWEETED ME HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" I yell. I hear someone laugh and then running up the stairs. My door opens and guess who is behind the freaking door. "OH MY GOD JOSH DUN IS IN MY BEDROOM!!" Then a face pops out from behind him. "OH MY GOD SO IS TYLER JOSEPH!! DAD ARE YOU AWARE THAT TWENTY ONE PILOTS ARE IN OUR HOUSE RIGHT NOW!!"

I scramble to get up and hug Tyler and Josh.

"Do you think she likes her present?" I hear dad say in the hallway.

"Yeah I'm pretty sure. Also, we should probably save Tyler and Josh before she squeezes them to death in that hug." Pete says. I let go of them and run over to dad.

"You knew today was my birthday?"

"Of course! How could I forget!" I hug him and everyone wishes me a happy birthday.

"Just out of curiosity, is there any particular reason why Tyler and Josh flew here on my birthday?"

"You'll see later. Now go get dressed and we can get this party started!" Pete answers for dad.

I run into my room and get dressed in black skinny jeans, a mcr shirt, and a jacket, then put my hair up and go to put shoes on. Wait, why am I putting shoes on? Who wears shoes in the house!?

I bound downstairs and see the Panic! guys are also here.

"Hey birthday girl!" Brendon runs up to me and throws me in air and I scream. Then he almost drops me.

"Hey! Bren! Don't kill my daughter today! It's her birthday! Tomorrow's ok though!" Dad jokes.

I go to everyone and give them a hug, then notice Joe's missing. As if on cue, he then walks through the door.

"I GOT FOOD!" I run over to him to see what he got. Taco Bell! Yum! I love Taco Bell! Joe hands food out and we all sit down to eat.

"Thanks! This is the best day ever! I don't know how it could get any better!" I exclaim.

"I take that as a challenge." Dad says.

Next, they bring cake out. It's a quadruple layer cake with band logos on each layer. At the top, there a big 12 and Happy Birthday Abby. They all sing happy birthday, and when they are all trying, it sounds really good!

We all eat cake then dad announces that I get presents.

"Presents?" I question. I've never got any sort of present for my birthday or Christmas.

"Of course! We all got you presents!" Dallon says.

After going through about 20 presents, a mix of gift cards, clothes, music, and a laptop, dad said I still have 3 more. He runs to Pete's room and brings something out behind his back. He hides it from me until he's right in front of me. Then he pulls out a brand new bass.

"Oh my god! Did you seriously buy this for me?"

"Nah, we stole it from from some dude on the side of the road." Joe says sarcastically.

"Oh my god I can't believe you got this for me!" I take the bass carefully from dad and hold it. I strum a few chords that I remember from Brendon. "Thank you so SO much for this!"

"We're not done yet! Close your eyes and hold out your hands!"

I close my eyes and put my hands out then feel a small fuzzy thing placed in my hands. 

"Oh my god it's a dog!" I open my eyes to see a husky puppy looking at me happily with bright blue eyes. She barks and licks my face. "What's her name?"

"You get to name her!"

"Really? Thank you!" I face the dog and she cocks her head at me. "Let's about...Timber! Do you like that?" Timber licks happily at my face and I conclude she likes it.

"One last thing!" Pete says excitedly. He looks at everyone else then blurts out. "WE'RE GOING ON TOUR WITH PANIC! AT THE DISCO AND TWENTY ONE PILOTS!"



"WHAT!" I take a moment to process what they just told me, then scream.

"Are you excited?" Dad asks.

"What kind of question is that? OF COURSE I AM!" Then keep talking about our then I ask, "when does tour start?"

"September 5th." Andy answers.

"Wait, what will we do with Timber?"

"We're gonna get a friend to take care of her."


We spend the rest of the day messing around and talking. Then for dinner we have pizza and more cake.

We all take a picture together for me to post then I get an idea. "Tyler, Josh, where are you sleeping tonight?"

"What? Umm I don't know." Tyler answers.

"What if we put a tent up in the backyard and we all have a big sleepover!?"

"That's a great idea! Can we Patrick? Can we Patrick?!" An excited Pete yells jumping up and down.

"I don't care!" We all go outside and start putting the tent up. After an hour, it's up. We all go inside to get changed.

After I change, I go on Instagram and post the picture of all of us with the caption: best. birthday. ever. Thank you to anyone who wished me a happy birthday!

Then I go outside with the guys in the tent.

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