Chapter 29

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"What?" I say waking up. "It's too early to function."

"Dude. It's 3pm. You slept all day! We're here!" I look over and see Joe.

"Ugh. Fine." I get dressed and go to meet the guys backstage.

"Ma'am, I'm sorry. You can't go back there." A security guard stops me.

"I'm Patrick's daughter, I'm Abby Stump."

"Abby? What are you doing here?" Dad comes up behind security and let's me through.

I decide not to go to sound check and go to FOB's room. I stand there trying to decide what I'm going to do. Then I get an idea. I run around trying to find plastic cups and collecting them. I'm not gonna go to the show tonight, instead, I'm going to fill up the cups with water and place them in their rooms.

"Hey Abby! Tyler and Josh are about to go on. Don't you want to watch?" Andy says walking into the room.

"I don't think so, I've got a headache. Besides I've got the rest of tour still!"

"Ok, see ya later."

The guys will all watch each other perform, so I've got a few hours.

I start filling up the cups FOB's room when something catches me eye. I grab it and see it's an air horn. I run to each of their rooms and see they all have hem. I duct tape them to the bathroom door handles. Then when when the inevitably swing the door open, it'll hit the wall and scare them (hopefully), causing them to jump back in surprise and knock over the water cups.

I return to FOB's room and keep filling up water cups. When I'm done, I do the same with P!ATD's and tøp's rooms. I pull my phone out to check the time. 11:21. They should all be coming back soon. I sit down in the hallway and wait.

"What are you doing in the hallway?" Spencer asks as they all come around the corner.

"Well I didn't want to completely miss the concert, and I kinda hear it from here."

"Umm. Ok?"

The procede to split into their separate bands and go into their room.

"What the frick?"

"What the fuck?"

"The fuck?"

I burst out laughing and everyone turns towards me.

"Abby, why are there cups of water all over our rooms?" Dad asks.

"I dunno.." I manage to get out between laughs.

"Well now we can't get into our rooms to get to our stuff or shower!" Pete says.

"Good job Captain Obvious!" Dad says.

"Ooo! Sasstrick is back!" Dad glares at Pete them Brendon suddenly decides that the situation is funny.

"Bren! Why are you laughing? We can't get into our rooms!" Josh says.

"I've got an idea!" He runs into his room and comes back out with a couple of cups.

"Oh Brendon Urie! You truly are our savior! Taking the cups out one by one! How did we not think of that before?" Pete says sarcastically.

"Shut up Pete. If we move out areas to walk, then we can get through."

Tyler, Dallon, and dad decide it might work so they get started on that, since there'll really only be room for one person. So the rest of us stay in the hallway and talk.

I turn my phone on and see dad tagged me in a picture. It was of the cups of water with the caption: oh it's so on @abbystump. I smile because I know I have a lot of good ideas. And they're going down.


In an earlier round.

God I'm such trash.

Once they cleared a path, Pete decided it would be a good idea for him, Brendon, and Josh to race to the bathroom.

"1, 2, 3, GO!" I yell. It was a sight. Brendon fell right away and knocked over water. Pete almost fell and knocked a few cups over, but made it to the door. He slammed it against the wall and the horn went off. He cursed and fell backwards causing a chain reaction and knocked over most the cups. Josh was going slowly, not knocking any cups over. He heard Pete's horn go off, since tøp's room was right next to FOB's.

"Yes! I win!" Josh yelled. Pete came in second and Brendon got third. The guys got all their stuff and showered. We finally get to leave and by then it was nearly 3am.

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