Chapter 43

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Credit to LunaDraco for the drawing!

*time skip to Halloween*

"Dad! Do you know where my gloves are?"

"Check the closet!"

"Has anyone seen my shell bra?!"

"God Pete! It shouldn't be that hard to keep track of!"

"Well I'm sorry! I don't usually wear one!"

I emerge from my room wearing my dog-from-the-little-mermaid costume. We literally waited until the last minute to get dressed. It's already dark! Eventually dad and Pete came down wearing their costumes. Pete as Ariel and dad as Prince Eric.

"Wow." Joe says. "Just wow."

"When are you guys getting picked up?" Dad asks Joe and Andy.

"Brendon should be here any minute." Andy replies.

Joe and Andy are going to a Halloween party at Panic!'s house while we go trick or treating. Joe was dressed up as Batman and Andy was Robin.

The doorbell rings and I open the door to Brendon and Ryan. Ever since those two told us they were dating, I haven't seen them apart. But the weird thing about them today was that Brendon was dressed as Ryan and Ryan as Brendon-and that's weird even for them.

"Hey kiddo! How ya doing?" Brendon asks ruffling my hair.


"Good. You ready to go guys?"

"Yup. Have fun Abby!" Joe says waving.


They leave and dad, Pete, and I put finishing touches on our costumes then leave.

We walk around going to each and every house in the neighborhood. We then go to other neighborhoods. We were stopped by a few lucky fans and took pictures with them.

"Abby, how about we go home. It's after midnight and it's cold." Pete says shivering. I don't blame him, I'm cold and I'm wearing way more than he is-he literally went out wearing just the shell bra and mermaid tail!

"Yeah." I agree. I've got plenty of candy! That's what you get for living with rockstars who live a rich neighborhood-other rich people who give you lots of candy!

"How far do we have to walk to get home?" Dad asks.

"I don't know. We walked for awhile."

"Hey!" I say suddenly after waking for a bit. "Isn't that Panic!'s house?"

"Oh yeah! We can borrow Brendon's car and drive home with Joe and Andy."

We walk up to their house and ring  the doorbell.

"Hey, sorry but we don't have any candy." Andy says opening the door. "Oh hey guys. What are you doing here? Our house is like 10 miles away." He says when he realizes it's us.

"Jesus we walked far! I knew we were walking for a while, but I didn't think we went this far!"

"Oh well. You're welcome in, but heads up, I'm the only sober one here."

"Damn this sounds like a great party!" Pete exclaims and joins a drunk Brendon by the bar.

Even though we came here to pick up Joe and Andy then drive home, we end up staying. Pete and dad get drunk with everyone else here. There's a lot of people here and I don't recognize most of them.  Andy and I eventually go to a separate room from everyone to watch scary movies. I eat candy while we watch and at some point, we fell asleep there.

In the morning, Andy and I are the first awake. We start cleaning the house-going around all the people passed out on the floor. Slowly they start to wake up and go home, even though I tried to get them to stay here to get over their hangovers.

When Joe, Pete, and dad wake up, we all load into a car and Andy drives home, Dallon can stop by later to get his car.

Watching the people leaving the house must've been a sight for the neighbors: a bunch of hungover adults wearing stupid costumes getting in cars and driving away.

The rest of the day was spent at home watching Supernatural, eating, and sleeping. Mostly because Pete, Joe, and dad had hangovers and I was exhausted from spending the night before walking around on crutches.

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