Chapter 18

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I woke in the afternoon and had lunch with Uncle Andy. The other guys woke up later and we had a lazy day with Netflix. The next day they were filming again.

My alarm went off at 7:30 and we have to leave in  an hour. I put on skinny jeans, a tøp shirt, and a jacket. I didn't have breakfast then realized at 8:15 the guys hadn't woke up yet. I found megaphone and went upstairs.

"WAKE UP LOSERS! WE NEED TO LEAVE IN FIFTEEN MINUTES!" I ran back and forth yelling and heard crashes come from Pete's room. I'm guessing he fell out of bed.

"OH SHIT!" I heard from Joe's room. There was scrambling from their rooms and soon they came out ready to go at 8:28. We all got in the car and Dad suggested we stop at Starbucks on the way. We all got a coffee and sped to the set.

"Ok Abby, some rules. Don't get in the way anyone. If someone asks you to do something, you do it. And please don't talk when we're filming. Tonight we're filming night scenes so we'll be there later. Also, Big Sean will be there." Pete told me.

"Ok." When we got there, I found a corner to sit in and listen to music. I spent most of the time watching them and waited for the end of the day.

"Hey Abby, it's time for lunch." I turned and saw Andy standing behind me.

"I'm not really hungry."

"Are you sure? All you've had to eat since lunch yesterday, was the coffee this morning."

"Yeah I'm sure. I think I'll look around the set."

"Ok." He left and I got up to look around. Today we were filming in hospital type place for Alone Together and later we were going somewhere else for The Mighty Fall. I kept walking and found where everyone was eating. I sat down next to dad and stole one of his fries.

Time skip to tonight

We left the and went a forest place and it was freezing! The director told me that there were kids who were going to chase the guys around. Right before they were supposed to start, everyone was running looking for a kid. Apparently, one of them didn't show up so needed replaced.

"Abby! Do you think you can replace the kid who isn't here? It won't be hard, all you have to do is chase us and hit us." Pete asked me.

"Umm ok sure."

"Great!" We went to the director and I was given instructions and a costume. When it was time, I was given a prop and I got to chase Pete around.

When the scenes with the kids in it were done, I got to hang out with them. At 3am, we were finally able to leave.

We went to sleep immediately.

Time skip to May 19

Yesterday was the last day of filming so we didn't have to go anymore. On the 21st, they were releasing it. Me and Brendon were planning a release party for them at his house.

I decided to text him.

A: hey bren

B: wazup abs

A: wat time do we need to come over

B: umm probs like 8:30 on the 21

A: ok

B: but I'll text them to come over

A: coolios. did you get the pic I sent you

B: yup I'll get that on the cake

A: good

B: ok I've gotta go

A: ok bye

B: bye

I closed my messages and went to find the guys. It was already the afternoon and we hadn't done anything all day. I suggested we all play would you rather.

"Would you rather lick Patrick's fedora or Joe's fro?" Pete asked.

"Ummm. Patrick fedora. Who knows when the last Joe washed his hair was!" I say laughing. Before Joe could be offended, he shrugged and agreed.

"Ok, Andy, would you rather be stuck in a room full of spiders or snakes?" I asked.

"Snakes. I can't stand spiders." He replied. "Patrick, would you rather sleep on a bed of nails or a pillow made of stone?" Andy said to Patrick.

"Pillow of stone! At least I could avoid the pillow while sleeping." He answered. "Joe, never cut your hair or not have hair?"

"What! Umm I guess never cut it. I could still style it everyday and be Rapunzel!" He said flipping it back. "Peter, would you rather fuck a duck or eat a cat?"

"Oh my god Joseph what is wrong with you! I guess I'd fuck a duck. Gotta live life to the fullest right!"

"I know what you're getting for your birthday then!" Dad yelled. This went on for awhile until Pete's stomach growled.

"I think we should order pizza!" Pete announced. We all groaned but agreed. We've had pizza 15 times in the last month.

After dinner we all sat down to watch Netflix. "We should watch a scary movie!" I said.

"What! Nah-uh. Those are scary!" Pete said pulling a blanket over his eyes.

I laughed at him and looked for a scary one. I found that sounding terrifying and started it.

"Fine. But if I can't sleep it's your fault!" Pete said. I snuggled up next to him and we watched it. Needless to say, Pete covered his eyes most of the time and I screamed a lot.

"Ok, time for you to go to bed." Dad told me.

"Ok." I walked up to my room and everything looked 1000 times scarier. I tried sleeping but in the end I walked to Pete's room. I saw he was still awake. "Uncle Pete can I sleep with you tonight?"

"Sure." He scooted over and made room for me. With him around, I was able to to go sleep.

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