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Being a part cat, Harry loves to sleep.

But being a hard working responsible singer Louis loves to wake up earlier (actually he never went to sleep, spent the whole night stalking various accounts on Instagram)

"Baby Harold" Louis said leaning in and whispering in Harry's ear, "wake up Harold"

"Five m-more minutes mum" Harry mewed and stretched like a cat.

Mum? Louis chuckled at Harry and then shook him lightly.

"I'm not mum kitten, I'm Louis"

"Huh" Harry opened his eyes groggily and stared at Louis "oh s-s-s-sowwie l-loueh"

"It's alright come on get up! We have to go to Niall's place" he said ruffling Harry's hair.

Harry shot up as soon as he heard Niall's name, they're going at Niall's place.. That means.. Ed is going to be there.. Ed is a part dog.. Cats are scared of dogs.. Harry is scared of Ed.. Science!

"No no n-no" Harry repeated shaking his head.

"Why kitten?" Louis asked brows furrowed.

"Harry sca-scared of Ed" he whimpered embarrassingly.

"Oh Harry, it's alright. Ed is nice okay? I'm sure you'll get along"

Not wanting to displease Louis, Harry simply nodded.

"Come on, go get ready" Louis said standing up "oh" he looked at a small ant passing by and killed him with his feet.

"Wh-what did you do? W-why did you k-kill him?" Harry asked tears brimming in his eyes.

"Oh oh Harry don't cry" Louis frantically reached for Harry and wiped his tears, "I killed that ant because if it climbed on your bed, it'd bite you and hurt you"

"Oh" Harry said and his crying stopped abruptly. He got up and went to the bathroom to bathe.

Louis sat there, on Harry's bed, confused at Harry. He apparently had the attention span of a goldfish.

Such a dork Louis thought to himself.

Less than five minutes later, Harry came out from the bathroom screaming because water accidentally sprayed on his face and cats don't like water on their face and next ten minutes were spent calming Harry down while he rubbed his face again and again with a rag cloth as it became redder and redder.

"Stop it Harry or you'll peel your skin off" was all required to make Harry freeze and regret his decision because he has made a cut on the left side of his face.

Another fifteen minutes which were spent with Louis applying cream and band aid on Harry's face while he sobbed harder than ever that he was going to die because he was bleeding, "you don't die after rubbing your face Harold"

And one hour later, they were all layered up head to toe because of the cold and were standing on their front porch, ready to depart for Niall's.

They decided to take a walk because Niall's place was just two blocks away.

Louis was walking behind Harry as he hopped and jogged towards Niall's house but Harry's abruptly stopped causing Louis to bump into him.

"Ow Harry whatcha doin" he said rubbing his nose.

"Look louehhh" Harry exclaimed before jumping on an ant.

Louis looked at him in shock and disbelief, "why did you kill it Harry?"

"Because-because... Ha-Harry don't no-know"

"You shouldn't kill insects off from street Harry"

"B-but Louis kill ant in- in the morning"

*sigh* "that was because it was going to hurt you if I didn't kill it, but this ant wouldn't hurt you"

"Okay so-so wake I-it up"

"Harry" Louis sighed "its-it's dead, it cannot wake up ever"
Ouch Louis, that was a bit harsh.

"It-it-it cannot w-w-wake up?" Harry asked his chin wobbling.

"No Love, it's dead"

"Ha-harry k-killed i-i-it. Har-harreh s-s-so bad" a tear slipped down Harry's cheeks, quickly wiped away by Louis.

"It's alright Harry, make sure you don't kill others"



"Okay, let's walk" Harry said jumping up and down again while louis stood there, shocked for the second time in the day. He shook his head and started walking behind Harry.


"Open the door nialler" Louis shouted and banged on Niall's door while Harry stood there, motionless. Staring at a distance, shaking with fear as he was about to face the most dangerous situation in his life.

The very next minute, niall was opening the door with a very excited Ed in the back, jumping up and trying to look who it was at the gate.

"Calm down buddy" niall said to Ed "hey Harry! How are you?" He turned to Harry but Harry just shrugged and his behind Louis.

"Nice to meet you too niall" Louis said sarcastically.

"Oh loubear didn't see ya there" niall laughed and hugged louis.

"Hi Louis!" Ed jumped on Louis as soon as he entered the house making him loose his balance but Harry half him from the back, preventing him from falling.

"Hey there Ed. Calm down buddy" Louis chuckled rubbing Ed's hair and Harry couldn't help but get a but jealous. After all he was HIS Louis.


Hey Harry" Ed was coming towards Harry and that was the moment he feared the most and he crouched really low, with his hand above his head in attempt to protect himself.

Ed saw it and stopped in he middle, his ears and tail dropping.

"Is Harry scared of Ed?" He asked, voice full of sadness "did Ed do something bad?"

"No Love, it's not like that, harry is just afraid of dogs" niall said, rubbing Ed's back, trying to soothe him.

Ed looked at Harry with puppy eyes and then looked back at niall with tears brimming in his eyes.

Niall hugged Ed and Louis hugged Harry , both whispering comforting things in their ears.

It is going to be a challenge to make Harry and Ed good friends *sigh*

A/N : I broke my leg yayy lmao. Nope. No yay. It sucks. Ugh. Anygays I hope you liked that chapter, it wasn't much, just a filler. Sigh. Also THANK YOU GUYS SO SO MUCH FOR 1K VIEWS ILY ALL SO MUCH AND YOURE THE BEST AND I REALLY LOVE IT WHEN YOU GUYS LEAVE LOTS OF COMMENTS AND I LOVE TO READ THEM ALL!!! don't forget to vote and comment if you like the chapter. Ily all

Look After You // Larry Stylinson Hybrid + MPREG AUWhere stories live. Discover now