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(Double update cause I have exam next week and idk if I'll be able to update)

"hello kitty" Louis whispered as he bent down to push back a mop of brown curly hair.

The kitten whimpered and recoiled at Louis' touch, "Don't be afraid love, I won't hurt you, I swear" Louis whispered urgently but softly.

The kitty looked up at him with wide green eyes and for a moment Louis forgot how to breathe but then suddenly the kitten whimpered and curled himself in a ball again.

"Okay okay love I'm going, see I won't hurt you" He said bringing his hands in air and walking back.

He went to where Uncle James and Niall were standing and talking, but he kept looking back at the kitten who was also staring at Louis with wide eyes.

He was the first human after James who didn't hurt him, who didn't see him as some old rag, who didn't fucking abuse him and just used him as a servant and for sex.

"Uncle James, what's up with that kitten over there?" Louis asked him still looking back not bothering that he was butting in between them talking.

"which one? Did they say something to you?" James asked concerned now looking at the direction where Louis was looking.

"No that kitten over there just recoiled when I touched him" Louis said worry etching over his face, "should I not have done that? Does he not like people touching him? God I screwed up" He rambled on.

"Calm down Lou, It's not your fault. He is a rescued kitten and was abused by his previous owner" James said grimly.

And no! Louis couldn't believe that. How-How could they hurt such a precious little kitten baby. I mean look at his face, look at him such a beautiful beautiful beautiful kitten. The thought of someone hurting anyone made Louis loose his temper but right now, yeah he was angry over the previous owner but he was so so so heartbroken, he doesn't even know why, it felt like he had to protect the kitten at all cost.

"What happened to him?" And no Louis didn't want the answer to that, he wasn't emotionally ready to know the answer, but he couldn't stop the words tumbling out of his mouth.

He looked back at the kitten, who was now in a sitting position, scratching his nose with one hand and a teddy bear in other. He yawned, stretched and then laid on his side in attempt to sleep and let the mop of unruly curls cover his face.

"Harry was..." Uncle james began and now louis' full attention was on james, "harry was *sigh* abused, he was.. he was raped" Uncle James said sniffling and Louis could feel tears welling up in his eyes and his heart was breaking into a million little pieces and he just wanted to and cuddle the kitty, whose name he got to know was Harry, "His owners used him just for sex and as a servant, he is a rescued cat hybrid, found him laying naked on the.. the cold street after being kicked out, he hasn't told me why they kicked him out but I'm glad I was able to rescue him" James said and both him and Niall were sobbing, but Louis was walking, walking back to Harry.

He went and just stood there again, looking at harry sleeping peacefully, small puffs of air leaving his mouth after every breath.

Louis took a deep breath and touched Harry's head, anticipating the previous reaction but this time Harry merely looked at him with wide eyes and ears laying flat on his head (a sign of being scared) , because something about Louis was such a way that Harry wanted to trust him but his past experience told him not to.

"Don't worry Harry" Louis said softly, "I'm not going to hurt you. not at all, I'll protect you love, from everyone. Would you like to come home with me?" Louis thought he found the one, the hybrid he wants to take home. He doesn't want harry to be here or be adopted by anyone else but him.

And Harry, he couldn't believe what he was hearing. Him.. That man wanted to take him home? Why? Harry is fine here. He doesn't want to be used again. Harry should say no. Harry will say no.

But looks like his heart wanted something else. Harry merely nodded and a huge crinkly grin broke onto Louis' face and he ever so softly rubbed his hand on Harry's cheeks.

Why did Harry say yes? He doesn't know. There was something intriguing in his ocean blue eyes that captivated Harry and that made Harry want to never leave him.

But what if he was like Harry's previous owner? What if he used him?

No.. No.. All humans are not bad are they?

"I'm Louis by the way" Louis smiled and Harry nodded at him.

Louis frowned which made Harry back away a little, which Louis immediately noticed and he shook his head. "no kitten, I'm not angry. I just want to know why aren't you speaking, can you speak?" Louis asked him softly.

And Harry's eyes widened even more. Can Harry speak? Yes Harry can, But Harry was not allowed to speak, No they used to hurt harry when he used to even open his mouth. That's why Harry doesn't speak.

Louis repeated the question again, even more softly.

"Yes, Can Harry.. Can Harry.. speak? Harry asked trying hard to make a correct sentence.

"Yes baby you can speak why shouldn't you-" And Louis' mouth opened wide in horror as he realised what probably had happened.

"did they.. did your previous owner not let you speak baby?" He asked Harry, his thumb rubbing over his cheeks.

Harry shook his head, "They.. they punish Harry if Harry speak so.. Harry no speak" and Louis just wanted to cry and he couldn't help but let a single tear run down his cheek.

Harry looked at him horrified, he thought that he upset louis, great, now getting a chance to have a real home was gone.

He hurriedly wiped Louis' tears with his big but extremely soft hands, "don't.. don't cry master. Harry no talk if you no want me to, but Harry want home" Harry hurriedly rambled not wanting to upset his 'would be master'.

Louis cried even harder, harry frantically wiping away his tears and saying sorry again and again, himself too crying.

"No honey, you don't call me master, just Louis okay? And you can talk all you want love, I love to hear you speak and I want to hear you speak all day long. and yes baby I will definitely take you to your new home. I'll give you everything you want" Louis said making Harry smile widely and making his dimples pop out and yeah if Louis wasn't already in love with Harry, he fell more in love with him, "and always keep smiling, I love to see you smile".

"now come on then, let's go home" Louis said, bringing out his arms forward, asking harry to be wrapped up in him, which Harry happily did.

He picked up Harry and kissed him on his cheek.

"come on baby, Let's go home" He whispered and Harry smiled and buried his face in the crook of Louis' neck.

(A/N: YAY KITTEN HARRY IS FINALLY HERE!! and yeah I'm sorry harry had a bad past and his previous owners abused him, I cried while writing that part :( And idk about you guys but i should get an award for updating twice in such a short span of time ;) I wanted to write more so i just... kept on writing lol. Hope you liked it don't forget to comment And vote if you did. ily all

ps. Zenpai (instagram : zflake_stylinson) suggested me to make this mpreg so if you want mpreg lemme know in the comments as soon as possible)

Look After You // Larry Stylinson Hybrid + MPREG AUWhere stories live. Discover now