Ch.12 *Royal Sexual Tension*

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A List of Arabella Renée Stone's Flaws: An Autobiography.

My hands fumbled on the keyboard of my laptop. I was supposed to be doing my History three-page essay on the life of your assigned historical figure. My choice; Alexander Hamilton, Thank the gods for Lin-Manuel Miranda and the musical. If it wasn't for my constant stalling I would have cranked out this essay in less than an hour.

But instead, I'm sitting here rolling around on my desk chair singing My Chemical Romance at the top of my lungs and procrastinating. Flaw #1: Being Lazy. I know literally all the information on this topic that I can stuff into my incompetent little brain, yet I still sit here and do nothing. An accurate depiction of my life, I think yes.

I finally got bored enough to pick up my phone and start scrolling through Instagram. I sent a  a few pictures on Snapchat and then set it down with a sigh.

I couldn't help myself to glance towards my window. The sheer curtain was still up and I could see that the lights were off. Either he had already gone to bed or he was out. I'd be willing to bet on the latter.

Right as I put my hands back on the keys to write the starting sentence, the doorbell rang. It was one of those special ones where it echoes through the whole house. Very annoying.

My door was open and the door was right next to the stairs, so I could conveniently hear a conversation between my dad and the person on the doormat. There seemed to be some confusion, so I took the chance that I had to not do my work and got up.
Flaw #2: Being too curious.
As I was walking down the stairs there seemed to be a man in the doorway. As I got closer and stood behind my father, I could see he looked vaguely familiar. But from where?
Flaw #3: Bad memory.

He wasn't a grown man but more of a teenager, with black hair and bright green hazel eyes.

"Ella this boy is wondering where the Ashton's live. He seems lost." My dad informed me. "We don't have any Ashton's here." He explained to the boy. He looked up at me and gasped.

Did he recognize me or something?

"Um... Y- yeah we do dad, you know Tyler, Ashton's was his dad's last name." I mumbled.

"Oh, well okay then. Nice meeting you Alex!" He practically shouted as he walked back into the kitchen.

I stepped out of the door after slipping my shoes on and shut it behind me. Anything to get out of a paper, am I right?

"So Alex, you're looking for Ty?"

"Correctomundo Bra Girl." I turned to look at him with wide eyes. Bra girl? I had a Deja Vu moment. The same smile he was wearing when he told me I had a nice bra. If I remember correctly I told him off, but I was pissed. Ty had drawn all over me. Can you blame me?

"Wait you're him?!" I exclaimed. "You were at Ty's a few weeks ago why can't you remember where he lives?"

"It's Alec- and every god damn house looks the same." He told me his name, accentuating the C, because my father had gotten it wrong.

"Sure, it's that gray one right there." I pointed over to the front of their steps. There were cute little pumpkins on them in the spirit of Halloween. Then it hit me. Halloween was this weekend, and damn I didn't have a costume. I'll end up doing what I do every year. And that is sitting on the couch watching horror movies and answering the door for trick or treaters. Yes, sounds like a plan. Maybe I can invite over some people. Yes, it's a plan. So back to Alec, he thanked me.

"Will I see you at that window?" He said with a wink. My cheeks, I could feel went beet red, and I looked away.

"Just knock on the door." I rolled my eyes. I had somehow found myself following him across the small lawn to the opposing stop. He knocked on the door and within seconds there was light flooding the ground where I was looking.

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