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Phil was now home, safe and sound. He had been for a couple of weeks now. Phil had finally visited the therapist a week or two ago, and honestly, that and the no-hate factor was helping. His depression was fading, though he would still always have scars.

Phil was sat on the couch, and he catches a glimpse of his own wrists. Dan was sat next to him still, but he somehow got a look of his own. They were all bandaged up, the scars hiding just beneath the thin material. He ran his fingers gently over the bandage.

Dan looks over at Phil, curious as to what he was doing. "Are you okay?" he asks quietly, making Phil look over to him. Phil nods, smiling a bit.

"I'm okay," he responds with, stopping running his fingers over the bandage. "I just... I can feel myself getting happier. I like this feeling, Dan." This makes Dan smile widely, and then hug Phil.

"And I'm so glad I can be here to help you get better," Dan says, kissing Phil's cheek soon after. "I love you so much."

"Aww, Dan! Stop being all soft!" Phil couldn't help but to giggle a little bit, his tongue peeking out of the corner of his mouth a tiny bit. "It's cute, though, so I don't mind it. I love you too."

Dan's cheeks tinted a bright red color. "Shut the fuck up and stop lying to me, Lester. It's not fucking adorable," he says, but smiling. His dimple poked out as well.

"I'm not lying, it's so cute!" Phil pokes Dan's dimple, giggling. "You're so flipping cute, I can't take it!"

Dan eventually has to hide his face with his hands. "Fuck off!" He had to laugh afterwards, so Phil knew he was joking. Though, he knew Dan's humor, so he knew it was a joke.

"I simply cannot. You are my adorable and handsome boyfriend, and so therefore, as your boyfriend, I am allowed to insist your cuteness and poke your dimple!" He tickles Dan's neck, to which Dan rolls on the ground in a squirming heap.

"Stop it! Get away from my neck!" His neck was super sensitive, and he hated anyone touching it. Though, he wouldn't slap Phil for touching his neck, unlike other people. Phil was too pure. That, and he is his boyfriend, so unless he wants to get dumped, he won't hit him. Even as a best friend, he won't hit him ever. Only playfully.

Phil just laughed, having to pant for breath a little when he was done laughing. Dan soon smacked him playfully.

"Fuck off," he says sarcastically, pouting and climbing back onto the couch. "You're so mean. I hate you." Of course, he was still joking. He had to make it known to Phil that he was.

Phil rolled his eyes. "Shut up, you love me," he says, pecking Dan's lips gently. "You are such a dork."

"Am not, you're a spork," Dan replies, laying down so his head rested in his boyfriend's lap. "So there. I win now, bitch."

Phil just stared down at him with love in his eyes, and a fond smile spread across his lips. He ran a hand through Dan's hair a few times, before saying, "I am definitely making you my husband someday, and creating a family with you. I never want to leave you, and I want you to be mine forever. I want little kid's feet running around our house, and I want to be able to try and cook for the family. I want us to grow old together, and then I want our family to grow, and have our children have children."

This made Dan smile a lot, because he was thinking the exact same thing. He has since they met and then got together. "And you know what?" He reached up, putting his hands on Phil's soft cheeks. "I so won't reject you, because I want that as well."

Phil then gets an idea. "Wait here!" He sits Dan up and then runs to his room. Dan just waits there, completely confused, most especially when he returns with what seems like nothing.

Phil quickly returns, and Dan is giving him an extremely confused look. "Hold on, you'll understand in a second." Phil grabbed Dan by the hands, pulling him up gently and placing him in front of him.

"Phil, why are you like, positioning me? What's this for?" Dan bit his lip, confused and scared all at the same time. Knowing Phil, it could be anything.

"Just wait, babe. Trust me, okay?" Dan soon nodded, and Phil backed up just a few tiny steps. Dan furrowed his eyebrows.

Phil soon cleared his throat just a bit, before he began to speak. "Daniel James Howell, since I first laid eyes on you, I thought to myself, 'He's going to be the one.' Years after that, after all the awkward lovey-dovey eye contact, we became an official couple. Now, I want to take our relationship one more step further by asking you one thing..." Phil soon got down on one knee, a little plastic ring in his hand. Dan's eyes widened a bit and he clapped a hand over his mouth. "I know it's not much, but I couldn't wait until I got the actual ring to do this. So, Dan... Will you marry me?" Phil had this really nervous pit in his stomach. The thing is, Phil fears rejection.

Dan immediately had begun to tear up, but they were good tears. They were really good tears. "Fuck yes," he whispered out. "I will definitely marry you."

Phil smiled widely, a glimmer of happiness in his eyes as he stood up and hugged his now-fiancée tightly. Dan was crying tears of joy, because he had been waiting for this moment for so damn long. He was gonna end up popping the question if Phil hadn't soon.

They soon pull away, and Phil slides the plastic ring onto Dan's finger. "It's not even a real ring, but fuck it, we're engaged. Fuck the rules, honestly," Dan says, chuckling a bit while he wipes his tears away. "I can't believe that just happened. I've been wanting that to happen for so fucking long, and now we're engaged and bound to get married." The thought makes Dan hug Phil tightly again.

"Hey Dan?" Phil asks in the middle of their hug.

"Yeah?" Dan replies, still hugging him.

"Can we get a-"

"Phil, so help me god if you say 'hamster', I will divorce you before we even get married," Dan says, half-joking but also half-not.

"If you'd let me finish, I could say what I was going to say," Phil said, pulling back and looking at Dan, chuckling. "I was going to ask if we could get a shiba someday!"

"Oh! Well of course, you fucking spork," he says, before he suddenly leans forwards, crashing his lips onto Phil's.

Their kiss lasts about a minute or so before they have to pull away for some breath. "What's that for?" Phil whispered, staring into Dan's beautiful chocolate brown eyes. He could get lost in eyes like these.

Dan could say the same. "Well, first of all, you're my quite-soon-to-be husband, meaning I can kiss you whenever I want to." He chuckled a bit, before continuing with, "Second, I just can't believe we're actually getting married someday. That, and you're just so gorgeous. Who else would kiss you if they got the chance? Everyone in the world, probably. You're so irresistible."

With those last three words, Phil blushed deeply. "Dan, I..." He was just speechless, burying his face into Dan's chest. "Don't do this to me."

Dan chuckled. "This," he began, "is the start of our new life together, Phil. And so far, it's perfect and all I ever want."

~The end~

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