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||Phil's POV||

We walked into the restaurant, getting a huge whiff the aroma of all the food that was cooking. There were a few people here at a few tables, but not that many. 

(Boring stuff, MAGICAL TIME SKIP TIME! Sorry, I know, I'm strange and weird -- you'll see a lot of my weirdness in this XDDD)


We payed the cab driver, before climbing out of the cab again. Dan and I walked back into the building, walking down the hallways. There was a long, awkward silence. Dan opened the door to the flat, before we walked in. We both had some food to carry, so I just shut the door behind me with my foot. Then, we started the long hike of stairs.

"Daaaaaan," I whined. "Why did we have to get this flat? It has too many stairs!" I complained.

"Becauseeeeeee," he replied. "It was nice."

Then we reached the top, and walked into the kitchen, putting everything down on the table. 

I immediately headed for the plates and cutlery after setting some of the things down. I couldn't wait to eat. I was quite hungry now. 

I grabbed two plates, but Dan beat me to it to get the cutlery. I walked over to the table, and set the plates down. Dan came in a few seconds later, setting down the forks. We both sat down.

It was actually kind of quiet as we ate. I spaced out about 5 minutes into dinner. 

Everything else around me just kind of disappeared. I was so focused on my thoughts. All I was thinking about were some of the most hateful comments I read, most hateful posts I read... most hateful everything. It was all burned into my memory for as long as I'll remember -- which is a long time.

Tears stung my eyes.

"Phil? Are you alright?" I heard Dan ask. I looked up, my eyes meeting his. I choked back the lump in my throat. I didn't want to speak -- my voice might crack and Dan would know for sure that something was up.

I simply nodded. "Yeah, I spaced out," I replied. Surprisingly, my voice hadn't cracked. But the lump was still there. Dan muttered something quietly under his breath. It was hardly audible, though. I took another bite of my food, not saying a word.

||Dan's POV||

Phil's been acting strange for about a few days now. Or, at least that's when I started noticing the strange behavior. 

He's been spacing out a lot, just staring into space a lot and at the most random times and just... I don't know. I got weird and strange vibes from him. Like something wasn't right. But the strange thing was that he still seemed like the Phil I've always known -- the silly, funny, amazing, bubbly, energetic, happy, adorable Phil with those eyes you could practically swim in... Okay, where am I going with this?

I didn't ask him about it, though. Maybe it was just the hate and it was slowly creeping up on him. But he seemed so strong through it all. Why would it get to him now? It's been going on for a month now... I mean, he was my best friend, but I didn't want to get involved into his personal business right now, having the terrible feeling that he would get mad at me or something for getting into his business, when it was none of my own. I just stuck to my own business, and I would until I knew for a fact that something bad was up -- just to be on the safe side. 


As we were eating dinner, I noticed Phil spaced out and his eyes glossy. I furrowed my eyebrows in slight confusion. 

"Phil?" I asked him, hoping it would break him free of this. 



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