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(Not sure if I'm going to do POV switches any longer. Hmm. Let's just try no POV switches this one chapter and see how it works out.)

Phil's sleep was plagued with nightmares. It annoyed him, because he constantly was losing sleep, and he constantly felt like a crybaby. He was nearly 29 (Happy birthday to Phil, by the way - everyone's favorite angel bean ;) ) and crying over social media!

Why can't it just stop? Can't I have a miracle?! What have I been doing wrong to deserve this?

And he was also annoyed with the fact that literally like every time he cries, he goes running to Dan. Now, Dan is more than happy to comfort Phil, but Phil was scared that eventually, Dan might start thinking he's clingy. But it's not like Phil can control his tears.

Climbing out of his bed, he slowly and quietly walks out of his bedroom. He then walks across to Dan's. He grips the door handle, before quietly turning it, pushing the door open. Phil winced when the door creaked a little.

Shh, door, shh.

He walked inside and over to the sleeping Dan.

"Dan," he whispers, shaking him a little bit.

The younger boy turned so he was facing Phil, who was standing at his bed side. "Phil? What's wrong?"

"I... Bad dreams. Again," he says quietly. Dan immediately moved over so that there's enough room for Phil. He knew that Phil sleeping with him (NOT IN THAT WAY PERVS) calmed him - he had gathered that much information from what he's seen. And Phil knows it's true as well. There was something about Dan that made his nightmares go away.

Phil climbed into his bed, pulling the duvet over himself, as well. He immediately cuddled into Dan's side. The boy was warm and soft anyways. And Dan didn't seem to mind it.

Dan wrapped his arms around Phil tightly. He let his eyes fall closed once more. Phil closed his eyes as well.

"Thank you," Phil whispered.

"For what?" Dan whispered back, slightly confused.

"For everything you've done to help me. It means a lot honestly," he says, and Phil didn't have to open his eyes to know that Dan was smiling.

"You're welcome. It's nothing, really. I just hate seeing you sad and down and defeated like that when the only Phil I've ever known is the happy, smiley, ecstatic, amazing - pun not intended - Phil. I want to return to that Phil. Not the beat-down, sad, depressed Phil," Dan said, opening his eyes again.

Phil smiled, his eyes opening. "No, it's not nothing, Dan. It's definitely something," he says. "All your subscribers think you're so... Existential crisis and all that. In reality, that's not what you're all about. You really are sweet, Dan. You've got quite the heart."

Dan chuckled. "Thanks?" He says, slightly unsure of how to respond. Phil giggles as well.

"I'm serious! You're too kind, compared to what YouTube Dan - danisnotonfire - is like," Phil replies. "I think I secretly like Dan Howell - you - better than danisnotonfire - YouTube you."

Dan gasped dramatically, hitting Phil lightly. "Fuck you," he says, not actually meaning it. Phil laughs.

"I think we should get some sleep. BBC tomorrow. It's not good to go there sleepy," Phil said after a few minutes once they were all calmed down. "I'm tired anyways."

"Me too, I agree," Dan said.

"Goodnight, Bear," Phil said, grinning. He hadn't called Dan 'Bear' since many years back after they had met. It was something their friendship included - nicknames.

"Goodnight," Dan says, before thinking to himself, Holy shit he called me Bear. It's been years since he called me Bear.


Phil had slept through the night peacefully, no nightmares invading his sleep. It was rather dreamless, but that was okay.

When he woke up, he felt Dan's arms wrapped around him tightly, his head buried into the crook of Phil's neck. He smiled widely.

He's too cute. Has been since I met him back in 2009, not going to lie.

He just stared at the wall until Dan woke up about a good half an hour later.

"Good morning, Bear," he says as the younger boy drew his head from Phil's neck. He pressed a small, short kiss to his lips.

Dan felt fuzzy inside as Phil called him Bear again. "Good morning, Lion," he says.

"Lion?" Phil asks.

"You like lions, and so that's now your nickname," Dan explained, chuckling.

"Oh, okay," Phil says, smiling. He giggles a bit, his tongue poking out of the corner of his mouth.

"You're so fucking adorable. Like, fuck me in the ass I cannot take the adorableness," Dan admitted.

"That can be arranged," Phil said as innocently as he could, before giving Dan a cheeky wink.

Dan blushed mildly. "When?" He replied jokingly.

Phil shrugged. "You'll see when the time comes."

"Jesus, Phil. Since when have you lost your innocence?" Dan questions, giving Phil a strange look.

"Secretly since I met you," he replies, and Dan just shakes his head, smiling.

"Wow, I'm such a bad influence then."

"Nah. You just rubbed off on me," he says, chuckling. Dan chuckles as well.

"Again, bad influence," Dan replied, and Phil just rolled his eyes.

"An adorably hot bad influence, at that," Phil said, making Dan blush again.

"Shut up," Dan says, making Phil giggle.

"Make me, Howell." (Good thing for punctuation.)

Dan then slammed his lips onto Phil's.

Something inside of Phil clicked, and then he was pinning Dan to the bed before he could stop himself.

Dan's hands found their way to Phil's waist and he let them rest there.

(Lol no smut for you dirty people ;) )

That day, Phil really made Dan Howell for sure.

And before they knew it, they had to go to the BBC. However, Dan stumbled as he tried to walk. Phil grinned to himself, knowing he had caused that.

A/N: Woah okay. Phil needs to take a chill pill. But how did you guys like the no-POV chapter? I think I like it better without POV's, not going to lie.

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