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||Phil's POV||

When I woke up, I felt me leaning on something, and it wasn't my bed. I lifted my head. It was only Dan. He had fallen asleep, too. And it looked like a really, really uncomfortable position to be in.

I got really cold all of a sudden (curse the flat for being cold for no reason right now), so I curled up tighter into the duvet, and into Dan. I don't know if I woke him or not, but I felt his arm wrap around me. I looked up to see if I woke him, seeing his eyes not opened, but he had moved and was now holding me close to him, so maybe it was just him dreaming. Either way, I didn't really mind what he was doing. It was nice.


I think Dan woke up -- I felt him wrapping the duvet around him more, but without pulling it away from me. I looked up at him, and then his chocolate-brown orbs of eyes locked with my deep blue ones.

"Good morning," I said with a smile.

Dan smiled back, but it was kind of a weak one because he was probably still tired. "Morning," he said. "It's still very fucking cold in here."

"Maybe we don't have anymore working heat because of bills? I don't know," I replied, with a shrug.

"Fuck," Dan said, groaning a little bit. "Well I know something we're going to have to do today, then."

I chuckled a bit. "Oh, come on. Don't be like that. It's just paying bills. It's not that bad," I said, and he rolled his eyes again, changing the topic.

"So did we fall asleep during The Lion King or something?" He asked, and I nodded.

"Yeah, we did," I replied. "But it wasn't until like," I thought back. "Somewhere towards the middle to the end parts."

"Oh," Dan said. I just kind of put my head back where it was laid down originally. I felt Dan kiss the top of my head lightly, before wrapping his arms around me once more, holding me close to him like a teddy bear. I smiled. Then we heard the doorbell.

"Who could that be?" Dan asked. "Phil, have you ordered yet another thing off of Amazon?"

I cracked a small smile and nodded.

"Yeah, I did," I said, and he sighed.

"Phil, that's like the fourth thing this week!" Dan exclaimed. "You go get it this time."

"But Dannyyyyyyy!" I whined, pouting. "Please can you go get it? I'm really comfortable and warm," I said, before giving Dan the puppy eyes. Whenever I did the puppy eyes, he almost always gave in.

He let out a sigh.

"Fine, fine, I'll get it," Dan said, before the doorbell rang once again. Dan got up, walking down to the door of the flat.

He returned a few minutes later, handing me my package. I took it, running to my room and putting it on the bed, before running back into the lounge, returning to the same position I was just in.

"Wait, what time is it even?" I asked after we had gotten comfortable again.

"You're going to make me reach over and grab my phone just as soon as I got comfortable again??" Dan asked, being quite sarcastic. Sarcasm was his second language.

I chuckled, nodding. "Yes. Now tell me what time it is," I ordered.

"Okay, okay. I'm checking the time," Dan said, reaching over and checking the time on his phone.

"It's 10:54 a.m." he replied, and I nodded.

"Okay. I was just curious."


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