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Dan got home early from the shops today because there wasn't as much that they actually absolutely needed, even though he thought there would be.

He sets the bags of food down on the table, and his eyes soon spot a piece of paper adorning the surface. Picking it up, he reads it.

"Shit," he whispers to himself and immediately drops it, running off. The first place he checks is Phil's room.

Panicked and worried tears filled his eyes when he didn't see Phil there.

He then checks the bathroom; It's a common place for Phil to be.

And that's when he saw it.

The sink looked like a murder scene, and his poor unconscious boyfriend looked like his arms had just gotten cut up by Freddie Krueger.

Immediately, he checks for a pulse. His heart was beating very slowly, but it was still beating. He grabs his phone and dials 9-9-9.

"Shit shit shit, please... Stay with me, Phil..."

As soon as the operator picked up, he didn't even wait before speaking.

"Send ambulance right away, my boyfriend tried to kill himself and he's going to bleed out if I don't get someone here now!"

"Okay Sir, what's the address?"


Phil hadn't woken up yet, and it had been 5 hours.

5 whole hours. The only time Dan had left was to put all the newly-purchased food away. Other than that, he sat there for nearly a whole 5 hours.

They did manage to save Phil, however. Phil was going to live unless he somehow died in his unconscious state.

Dan had his hand in Phil's, which was loose and limp at the moment. Not even a muscle had twitched. He didn't stop worrying that something would go wrong, and he would lose Phil. Forever, this time.

"Please wake up," he pleaded quietly and tearfully. "Please, Phil... I need you."


Later that day back at home (the nurses had advised he go home and rest up), everyone was wondering how Dan was doing, so he held a liveshow.

Instead of his normal intro for his liveshows, he was crying a little already.

"Hi, guys," he said, voice wavering. "So... I nearly lost Phil today..."

Most of Dan's fans were Phil's "fans" as well, meaning they were rude to Phil.

All of them were seriously immediately regretting it.

"I found his phone opened to Twitter. People are saying such horrible things to him and he's in such a bad state of depression and I'm just..." He paused and hid his face in his hands for a moment. He then made his face visible again soon. "I almost lost him today, and he means so much to me... I need him. He got me through my depression. I don't know how to help him, but I really need him in my life. Just the thought that I actually almost lost him to suicide is just... I can't believe it..."

Suddenly, he was in a fit of tears. Everyone was literally typing things like, "Dan, it'll be okay, he's still alive!"
And, "We're so so sorry!" And many more comforting things, as well as apologies. Dan didn't see them, though, because he was too busy being sad because Phil almost didn't make it.

"It was so horrible," he says quietly. "There was so much blood... So many slash marks..."

None of the fans had ever seen Dan so upset ever. They were probably crying with him right now. This all must've come across as such a shock to everyone, as well as a tragedies (because I dON'T write sins, instead I DO write tragedies).

"It was so sick..."

He takes a bit longer before ending the liveshow, still crying.


The next day, before going to see Phil (who was now awake. Dan had been notified of it, as Phil was asking where he was), Dan went down to the therapist's office.

When it was his turn, he stepped up to the desk.

The kind-looking lady behind the desk flashed a smile at him. "Hi, what can I do for you?"

"Yeah, uhh, I scheduled an appointment here for my boyfriend, Phil Lester. Well, he's currently in the hospital, so do you think we can push the appointment back a few more days? But I would like to definitely get him in there as soon as possible. I almost lost him yesterday because of his depression and he needs help really soon." Just thinking about almost losing Phil nearly brought tears to his eyes.

The lady's smile dropped immediately. "I'm so sorry, sir. We'll do what we can to push the appointment back a few days." She clicks and types at her computer for a moment before saying, "The earliest possible appointment I can make you guys is 11:30 AM in a few days {I didn't know what day so-}. Is that okay?"

Dan nods. "Yes, just anything to make him happy again."

"I wish you two the best of luck. Just give him some time to recover from what he just experienced, yeah?"

Dan nods, and then he heads out, soon going to the hospital again. The only thing on his mind was Phil, and getting him better.

The really depressing stuff ends at about this chapter, I swear.

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