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(FLUFFY CHAPTER TIME :D Because, you know, EVERY Phanfiction needs a little Phan fluff c:)

||Phil's POV||

"Wait, what?" I asked, sort of surprised. 

Dan's cheeks turned a bright pink color. 

"I said I love you. As in, I like your face, Phil," he said once more, before biting his lip. 

I think I just wanted to hear him say it again. I think I knew what he said but I just wanted him to say it again.

My surprised expression turned into a small smile. A real, genuine, small smile. Dan could get these real smiles out of me most of the time without even trying. 

"I love you too, Dan," I said. It felt nice to say that. Honestly, I think I've had a crush on him for a while but my mind nor my body let me know that.

Dan smiled, but his cheeks were still a bright red color. 

"Also, Dan?" I said, and he waited for an answer. "Thanks for being here for me. And caring. Especially that." 

Dan smiled, nodding. 

"I'll always be here for you, Phil. Because I care, and because I really, really love you, but I think it's mainly because you're the best, most amazing person I've ever met, and fuck, I'm so glad I did meet you. I couldn't imagine living life without you. You're the thing that brings color to my skies. You're my happy little pill. So I'll always be here for you when you need me." 

I was smiling a bit too widely now, my tongue poked out a little bit. He smiled after I smiled.

And then his lips met mine gently.

Although this has happened before, I got major butterflies in my tummy this time. Because now it was a real kiss, not one to just try to break me from an existential crisis. I literally melted as we kissed. And we both were still smiling into the kiss.

This was nice.

This was really nice.

I think I could get used to this.

And all the bad things in my mind just disappeared for that moment.

||Dan's POV||

I think Phil was quite happy right now.

And if he was, I was happy that he was finally happy for some time now. 

I honestly didn't like seeing Phil all depressed. It broke my heart. He'd lie to me so I didn't have to worry about him.

We never lied to each other. But nowadays, a lot of the things Phil said were lies. 

"I'm fine."

"Don't worry about me Dan, I'm alright."

"Dan, I promise I'm okay."

Those were some things I just knew were lies. And he did it so I didn't have to worry. But I wanted to worry about him. I cared so much for him and love him so much it fucking hurts. It pains me to see him broken inside, and on the outside he acts like he's fine.

He fakes smiles.

He acts like the normal happy Phil, but it's getting kind of easy to know when he's faking it and when he's not. If he's hurting, I wanted to help him. I keep wanting to try to help him through this, but it feels like he continuously shuts me out from that by telling me that "everything's okay" and that "he'll be fine" when I sure as hell know nothing's okay for him and that he won't be fine.

But right now, I knew he was genuinely happy for once in a long time. And it made me happy knowing that he was happy. 


I still, even though it happened about an hour ago, felt the big relief from finally telling Phil how I felt, and then expressed it. It was nice.

Phil was still really happy and bouncy about it, too. 

When we were trying to find something to eat (Tesco's had finally come a few minutes later, hallelujah, thank the lords for it), he was just so smiley and couldn't stop smiling. His tongue was poking out of his mouth quite a lot every time he smiled, which I just thought was the most adorable thing in the world.

Like seriously. Nothing could be more adorable than Phil's tongue poking out when he smiles or giggles. 

Oh my god, there was just so much I loved about that boy.

-The way his eyes sparkled either when he was really excited, or the way they just sparkled in the sun and moonlight.

-His smile. 

-His eyes. You could practically swim in those eyes. I always drowned in them. It was hard to look away most of the time.

-His laugh. Oh god, it was just so perfect. 

-Just. Every. Damn. Thing. About him.


Phil had decided he wanted to have a movie night tonight, so we were just going to watch a ton of movies (AND there was going to be popcorn of course. What's a movie without popcorn?). 

The first movie he picked out was The Lion King (of course). We had literally an entire stack of discs and he chose The Lion King. I didn't really mind, though.

So while he was setting up the movie, I decided to get the popcorn ready. I got up and walked to the kitchen, and grabbed the microwave popcorn out of one of the cupboards. I unwrapped the bag out of its plastic wrap, before putting it into the microwave for however long it had to go.

After a couple of minutes, the popping had just started and it smelled so good. I guess Phil was done getting the movie ready, because he ran into the kitchen. 

"It smells so good in here!" He said, and I nodded. 

"Yeah it does," I replied. 

As we were waiting for the popcorn to finish doing its thing, I got really cold all of a sudden. 

"Do you think it's cold in here?" I asked Phil. He nodded in agreement.

"Yeah. Why is our flat so cold today?" He asked in response, and I shrugged. Then the microwave stopped. 

"That's beyond me," I said, opening the microwave and taking the popcorn out. 

"Well, I'm going to get my duvet while you do that," Phil said, running off to his room before I could say anything else. So, I just kind of let the popcorn cool down as I opened it, taking it to the lounge. I was taken by surprise to see Phil already there.

"You're like a stealthy ninja or something. I didn't even hear you walk out of your room!" I exclaimed, and Phil grinned, before patting the spot next to him. I set the popcorn down next to us, before sitting down. Phil wrapped one half of his duvet around me when I sat down, and the other half around him. 

Then the movie started. I felt Phil's head resting on my shoulder, which I didn't mind. I smiled. I swear, this is the happiest I've ever seen him in a long time. 

A/N: Hi! So I think this chapter was really adorable Cx It was kind of suckish, but it was cute and fluffy hahaha! What do you think? :) I love to hear feedback! (AND YES, I DID SERIOUSLY USE A "Happy Little Pill" LINE IN THIS XDDD Sorry, I'm like, still obsessed with that song.)

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