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(Let's try another no-POV chapter, yeah? :) )

As they arrived back at their flat, Dan immediately slumped down into a chair.

"Look what you have caused," Dan said. "I can't walk because of you and I had to try and play it off as some sort of injury at the BBC." He pouted.

"Shush. You loved it, though," Phil said, a small smirk on his face.

"That's true. I can't deny it," he says, a small blush coating his cheeks as he says that.

Phil sits down on his lap, even though there are other chairs. He rests his head on Dan's shoulder, curling up into a ball as best he could, which is quite hard when you're as tall as he is. Dan wrapped his arms around the boy.

"You saved me many times, and from a lot," Phil says quietly out of nowhere. "Thank you. If it weren't for you, honestly I don't know if I'd even be here anymore."

"I just don't like seeing you sad and hurt. You don't deserve it. You really are Amazing, Phil," Dan says softly, making Phil smile.

After a few minutes of silence, Phil speaks. "Sometimes I feel stupid because I'm so overly-sensitive about so much," he admits. He bites his lip gently.

"Well you shouldn't," Dan says. "Everyone gets emotional. Everyone is sensitive when they are. You just so happen to be a little more sensitive than everyone else. That's totally okay," Dan said. "Don't feel like this hatred for you will go on forever, because it won't. Just know everything happens for a reason."

Phil took a breath in. "Why do I deserve you? I've known you since 2009 and I've always wondered that. You deserve so much better than me," he said, shaking his head.

Dan let out a small sigh. "Phil, stop. You're only bringing yourself down more. I love you with all my heart and honestly, I've loved you ever since I met you back in 2009. Again, everything happens for a reason. I don't deserve better than you, because you are the best there is."

A few tears rolled down Phil's cheeks. "I'm honestly really glad to have you. Especially when I'm feeling like this." Phil was beginning to believe he was bipolar at times.

"I'm glad I can help," Dan says, pressing a small kiss to the top of Phil's head. "And I'm going to continue to help you until you're better."

Phil smiled, wiping the tears from his cheeks. "I love you. So much."

"I love you so much, too."

They just spent the rest of the night sitting there, talking and such.


When Phil had eventually fallen asleep, Dan managed to slip out from under Phil. He stood up, stumbling a tiny bit again.

When he had regained balance, he picked Phil up again, carrying him to his room. He pushed the door open with his foot, and then set him down on his bed.

Dan slowly and quietly walked out, shutting Phil's door behind him. He walked to his own room, closing the door before changing and jumping into bed.


It was as if Phil somehow knew Dan's presence has left, even though he was asleep. That's when the nightmares of the hate would occur, and he wouldn't be able to rest, because they would only stop around Dan. It was weird.

He got up and walked to Dan's room. This was beginning to become a nightly thing between the two boys, and Dan didn't seem to mind.

Phil shut the door behind him, climbing in next to Dan. Maybe Dan was already awake, as he subconsciously wrapped his arms around Phil.

"Should we just move your room into mine?" Dan whispered jokingly. Phil chuckled a little bit.

"I wouldn't see a problem with that," he says, before yawning. "Goodnight, Dan."

"Night, Phil."

A/N: This chapter was kind of short, I'm sorry! But I hope you liked it anyways :)

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