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*MATUUUUURE DON'T READ UNLESS OVER 18. Lol so hypocritical cuz I'm thirteen woooow* and I suck at writing this stuff :'(

"A-Alo..." Bruce stuttered, probably surprised that I was willing so early after the whole incident . But if it was going to be a constant problem, I was going to have to solve it.
I cut him off with a kiss, shoving my tongue deep in his mouth. Bruce moaned slightly... but pushed me off gently. I sat on the bed, confused.
"Alo, I'm not so sure we should do this." He sighed, looking down at his hands.
"Why not?" I moaned, pulling him closer. Our lips were inches apart, and I could feel his warm breath quicken. I was sure mine tasted like alcohol, but I didn't pay attention to it. He hadn't seemed to mind the last time one of us was drunk. Wink wink: Bruce.
"It's too soon." He sighed, closing his eyes. Sarcasm flooded me.
"And it wasn't to soon the other night?" I snapped back, and immediately regretted saying it. Bruce tensed up like if I kicked him in the gut, and I felt his heart race from guilt. I leaned in and pecked his nose, apologizing.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way." I said a little too quickly. Bruce looked extremely hurt, more than I had seen him in a long time.
"I'm sorry, ok? But if it's going to be a problem, we need to end it now." I tried to comfort him. He nodded, hesitantly, relaxing a little. I placed my hand on his bare, defined chest, and laid my head on his shoulder as he hugged my waist.
  Without thinking, I started kissing him softly. He moaned a little, but there was doubt in his demeanor. I sat up and propped myself on my knees.
  "Shhh." I smiled, pushing Bruce on the bed in a laying position. I crawled forwards and sat on his stomach, leaning forwards to kiss him again. I ran one hand down his chest, the other playing with his hair as we kissed. I trailed down, planting kisses on his chest and abs, Bruce's temperature slowly going up.
  "Alo, you don't have to-" he tried to get up but I pushed him back down. Bruce lowered his voice. "Fine then. Let it be like that."
  He jerked up, too strong for me to handle, and flipped us over. I was pinned under him as he stared into my eyes.
  "Are you sure?"
  I nodded.
  "Whenever you want me to stop, just say it."
  His sensitivity moved me. I nodded again.
  Bruce leaned down, giving me a lingering kiss on the lips, then following my jawline. He got to my collarbone when he simply hovered there, as if thinking, then slowly ducked towards my cleavage.
  His breath tickled my skin as he waited for me to respond.
  "I'm yours." I said simply, closing my eyes as I felt his hands reach behind me to unclasp my bra. There was a faint whoosh as it fell to the floor.
  I felt goosebumps. Bruce was looking at me half-naked.
  I instinctively put my arms over my breast, looking away even though my eyes were closed tight, and tried to pull my legs in close through Bruce's solid frame. I felt myself blush profusely.
  "Alo... it's ok. It's ok. Open your eyes." Bruce tipped my head forwards and cupped my face with both of his hands. I felt tiny compared to him as he leaned down.
  Bruce kissed me, long but soft, his thumb running circles on my temple. I slowly relaxed on the soft fabric of the hotel bed. The TV played loudly. Bruce seemed to hover right over my ear.
  "Shhhh...." he whispered, moving my shaking arms to my sides. "You're beautiful."
  I didn't know how to respond, so I opened my eyes. Bruce was at a shocking proximity with a kind smile and a microscopic smirk.
  I craned my heads forwards slightly, parting my lips, and Bruce sealed the gap. For a moment it felt like Bruce wasn't that much older than me. It felt like two teens having fun at midnight, but it wasn't. And still, I cherished every second of it.
  Bruce ran a hand down my waist slowly, sending shivers up my spine. It tickled in a good way.
  The teasing was unbearable but sweet in a way. At least it felt like teasing to me. My thoughts were cut short by pain. My lungs were screaming for breath and I leaned back, gulping for air as Bruce smiled softly.
  "I never taught you underwater tactics, did I?"
  "I don't think we need a shark tank, Bruce. Alfred has enough on his hands." I panted, not used to holding my breath for so long.
  His chuckles vibrated my entire body. I realized how hot it was in the room. Or was it just me? I didn't feel like asking.
  Bruce smiled again and pulled me on to his lap. I could feel his erection.
"Are you sure you want this?" He asked, using the tone you would use on a child when he wanted to buy a fragile toy sword with his allowance money.
  I nodded, fearing that actually speaking the answer would make me change my mind.
  "Then we won't be needing this anymore." He whispered, pulling at my underwear. I stood up slightly, letting him slip it over my thighs and off my legs.
  I fought the urge to hide myself from him. He smiled, and I felt brave. I could trust him, right?
  Bruce leaned me over on to the bed, laid my arms over my head, and got off. He kneeled at the edge, spreading my legs apart.
  It was hard to keep still while his tongue toyed gently with my clit, sending waves of pleasure crashing through my system. I was sure I was pretty wet, judging by the fact that my whole body was on fire and the temperature was rising by the second.
  Suddenly his tongue slipped inside. Oh god... he was a master. That's all I could say. Bruce was delicate but rough. And although I wanted to arch my back and scream and do all that shit you watch in movies, I stayed under control. I stayed still. I didn't know why. I just did.
  Bruce stood up and started tugging at his boxers slightly, as if to ask for permission.
  "You want me to stretch you out, or can you take it all in?"
  His question struck me like a rock. It wasn't bragging about his size, just realizing I was a virgin and it was going to hurt like hell and he cared enough to ask.
  "I can take it." I said, deadpan. I had been fingered by enough bastards in the past.
  Bruce nodded and slipped his boxers off. I couldn't see much in the dark, the light from the TV was at his back, so I could only see his silhouette.
  "Fuck." He cursed, grabbing at the blankets.
  "What's wrong?" I asked sitting up. Was he hurt?
  "I didn't bring a condom. And I'm not using one a stranger gave me."
  I laughed, "Surprise!" I held out my left arm, grabbed his hand, and placed it on a small cylindrical bump, the size of a match, under my skin. "My aunt's been making me get implants since I was thirteen. This is my second."
  Bruce sighed. I didn't know if it was in relief or what, but I could feel his smile in the dark. He switched off the TV.
  "Then that problem is solved." He growled, feeling for my leg. He got it on the first try.
  My theory of me being wet as fuck was right, because after a reassuring 'yes', Bruce slipped in without problem, and my whole world shattered.

Four months. Four. FUCKING. Months. Wow. Just wow. I know, I know. I'll say: I'll update soon and the next part will come in June. Theres no excuse here. Just laziness and lack of imagination. But one good thing did come out of it. I felt alot more comfortable writing this, and I've been getting better at writing the past four months. So thank you, THANK YOU, to all of you who didn't give up although you had cause to. And I'm so FUCKIN sorry although that won't cut it. But my New Year's resolution is: update frequently. Boom. *dabs randomly*
  Love you guys.
                                  ~Alo :3

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