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I flicked on the light and Bruce pulled the covers up to his face.
"Bats are nocturnal..." he grumbled.
"Yes, but Bruce Wayne isn't."
"Shush, I'm Batman."
I sighed and gave up. Tiptoeing to the bed, I pulled off the sheets gently and gave him a quick, deep kiss. Bruce bolted up in the bed, rubbing his closed eyes.
"Mmm... that was nice." he groaned, smiling. "I want another." I rolled my eyes and scolded him.
"You'll get another later. Alfred is making pankakes so hurry up."
I left the room to let him change, but not before pecking him on the cheek. Closing the door behind me, I smiled. I loved my Batman.

Alfred was back from his vacation, happier than ever. He kept looking at me with amused eyes, and I had a feeling he knew what Bruce and I had done while he was gone. Alfred the trusty butler knew basically everything. I stood behind him, arms on my hips. Bruce had convinced me to wear appropriate clothes while anybody else was here, or at least until Alfred got used to me wearing short clothes. So today I was in jeans, grey and blue sneakers, and an orange with green shirt. I started interrogating Alfred,
"Video camera?"
"Nope. Who knows what could have happened in there." He chuckling, flipping a pancake. I blushed.
"Bruce told you?"
"Not yet, and it's probably gonna be a century until he does."
"Tape recorder?"
"Not a chance."
I sighed and tried my last guess, "Hunch?"
"Ding ding ding! I hope you enjoyed your romantic week Miss Alo." He joked. I rolled my eyes, continuing with my questions.
"Call me Alo, please... You planned this from the time you saw me and Bruce standing- uh... I was in a hospital bed... but that's not the point- close together, didn't you?"
"Maybe... how's training going, Dragonclaw?"
"Good, but please don't change the subject. Why me? Why now? And I... I found out about Rachael."
"Well that's just it," Alfred confessed, stretching and yawning casually. Did he talk about this every day? A hint of pity in his voice told me he hadn't thought I would know about her this soon. "When Rachael died, Bruce was... quieter. I longed to see him with someone, a wife, maybe even kids. When he brought you in to the mansion, I knew something was different. He takes the injured to the hospital, but you he brought directly here, no hesitation. He liked you, from the moment you said he was hot... I knew it had to be." He looked at me truthfully and added laughing,"Hehehe... he looked at me confused and said simply, 'She said I was hot! What is that supposed to mean?' And I just shrugged. And yes, I stalled on getting your stuff because I had it all planned out. That night when I walked in I was actually surprised to see it happened so quick." By it, I was pretty sure he meant mine and Bruce's relationship. And the kissing. Especially the kissing. I walked up to him and gave him a big hug, probably startling him but who cared, he deserved it.
"Thanks Alfred!" I said. A bright smile lit his old, kind face.
"Your welcome... now shush... the Bat is coming down from the Belfry!" I forced myself to not break out laughing at his joke as Bruce slowly hiked down the ornate stairs, looking drowsy and clueless. Alfred slid some plates onto the table with an ear to ear grin, he too was acting carefree and un-butler-ish, probably because the weight of secrets had been lifted from his chest. He was cool like that. Tossing the pancakes onto the dishes, and serving some chocolate milk, Alfred trotted away to go to the bathroom. Bruce took is time to study me again, mocking a frown, "Still, I liked your other style." He grumbled, making me roll my eyes.
I responded playfully, "Poor Alfred... he's to old for the shock!" Bruce smiled sheepishly and pulled out a chair, signaling for me in a wacky gesture. I smiled and play-bowed. Before I could sit, Bruce pinned me onto the table. He was still sleepy, still trying to dream. To imagine his heart's desire.
Really Bruce? I thought. Here and now?
Bruce leaned in over me and kissed me roughly, getting me addicted to his lips again, even though we knew that this was a bad time. Or at least I did, Bruce had his eyes half open and his breathing was still calm. Yet, his smell and touch sparked me, and I kissed him back, Frenching it slightly. Bruce moaned loudly at the contact, parting his lips a little, and allowing me to deepen the kiss. Billionare playboy pulled me off the table, a hand bracing the back of my head and another on my waist.
More please Bruce... more... it feels so good...
Bruce answered my silent prayer and pulled me in deeper, his hand starting to massage my neck. His other hand travelled even lower, freaking me out until I noticed Bruce was lifting my left leg around him so I wouldn't slip off the edge of the smooth jet-black glass table.
Trot-trot-trot Alfred's casual footsteps echoed down the hall, and I gently pushed Bruce away, gasping for air. How long had we made out without breathing? A minute? TWO? Bruce didn't looked fazed at all.
Instead, he looked up at Alfred and said, "Did you know I have an eighteen year old girlfriend?"
Alfred froze in his tracks but nodded, responding with, "Yes Master Wayne, and I hear she can voluntarily be with you in her age range, Romeo and Juliet Law... but talking about the law sir," Alfred continued as I pondered silently over what he ment by a law that I could be with him. "I'd say you should go out more often both as Bruce and Batman. There has been news that neither both of you have been seen in a week, and crime has also stalled its nightly routine. Maybe you could take Dragonclaw, I take it she's been doing well in training?" Buce nodded as Alfred informed us.
"Also, if you would like to know," Bruce, Alfred, and I sat down and started eating the perfect pancakes laying before us. The taste of sweet syrup and warm dough invaded my mouth. It was sweet.
But not as sweet as Bruce's kisses.
No. Not now, Alo. Don't think like that.
I mentaly shook my head and conti ued listening.
"You might want to know," Alfred started again. "Somebody passed near the mansion yesterday, with binoculars because he was looking at birds, and saw a faint shadow of two people making out. In the window of your room. Rumors are spreading that Bruce has himself a new girlfriend. If you two watched the news last night instead of loving your life away, you would have known."
Bruce and I both blushed at the thought. We had a big, heated make out session Saturday to try to enjoy the last day alone in the mansion, the last day Alfred wouldn't be poking his head in randomly-does he usually do that? I hope not- in the wrong moments. I started heating up at the thought, forcing not to throw myself at Bruce's lips and enjoy the feeling again. Bruce reached under the table to squeeze my thigh, making the temptation worse. Alfred seemed to notice and changed the subject.
"An anonymous tip came in that there's going to be a bank robbery tonight."
"Perfect!" Bruce exclaimed around a chunk of pancake, "Alo can FINNALY go out!"
I looked at Bruce and intervened, "Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa... what do you mean by out exactly?"
"Ya know, beat up some bad guys. Show you real action. Go to our room afterwa-" Bruce stopped himself.
"Go to our room?" I was curious.
"Yeah... hehe... ya know. Ummmmm....... celabrate?" Yet curiousity killed the cat... maybe even the dragon...
"A party? Or just watch a movie?"
"I was thinking more like... um... ya know, sleep all night and tomorrow we could go out in public." The dragon nearly died...
"Uh huh. Sleep. You had this planned from the beginning?"
"Yeah. I'm watching you closely now, you sneaky bat. You don't get me yet." I teased, hoping he really did intend to just sleep all night. And most of the morning too possibly, not any other thing that might include the Romeo and Juliet Law. I had to keep a sharp eye on him. He was a badboy after all.
Alfred waved for our attention, "You know, Master Bruce, Mi- er... Alo, I'm right here. You should talk about what you do in your room some other time."
My neck and cheeks felt hot so I faced my food, embarrassed. Bruce chuckled slightly. "Alfred, you know what I meant."
"I most certainly do, Master Bruce." He replied, winking at Bruce when ge thought I wasn't watching. Bruce rolled his eyes.
"Aaaaah... Alfred..." he rubbed his neck nervously. "Alway ready to make you laugh." I ignored the two of them and kept on eating, laughing to myself.

"Do you reeeeeeeealy think I'm ready for this Bats?" I questioned Batman's authority on the situation. We were in an ally, dark shadows dancing right around the corner. Bar music leaked out of a cracked window. Neon lights were flashing a Silver Bar sign in blue florescent letters. We were perched on the edge of a small Gotham bank, where the anonymous tip had hinted.
"Trust me Dragonclaw," Batman answered in his rough voice. "In a few moments there's going to be something in this alley. It's a 'great' crime spot. Attemt at robbery is a regular." I nodded but was still a little worried. The fighting part was easy. I wouldn't say a word so I would intimidate the bad guys, but would instead land silently behind whoever it was that we were going to disable... gravely... and leave to the cops. That way as Bats distracted them I could sneak up and attack.
What had me worried was after the tough night of crime-fighting.
I still wasn't sure of what Bruce was planning. I distracted myself with a question, "So you come here regularly?"
"Nah... just one a week, maybe twice. The cops usually get them. That way they don't watch out for me- shush... we got two men with guns. Masks and a crowbar..."
The bar door opened as two figures dressed in black and ski masks slunk out with a duffel bag over ther shoulders, gun in hand and a crowbar tucked into the tallest one's belt. A third party sneaked out the back door with pair of pliers and a grenade hanging from his belt, heading towards an electricity box bolted right beneath us on the fresh brick wall. He was planning to cut the alarms... but they were obviously supposed to be traps, I thought. A bank won't risk loosing security measures that easily, especially with several thousand in paper and gold. Even a business as small as this.
It's funny how the theifs would fall for that. Although I had a feeling that the guy with the pliers knew about the trap, and probably was the one who gave us the anonymous tip, trying to get the money for himself while Bats fought the other two.
Movement caught my eye and I poked Batman to get his attention. He looked towards the broken window that had about four other groupies sliding down a rope. We slunk back and I signaled at the guy with the pliers, who kept to the shadows and constantly searched the sky. Batman nodded, understanding the silent theory.
Now there were seven to fight... surely easy. Bats fought ninjas and criminals in his training... how hard could this be?

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