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A/N WOOHOO!!! 200 views!! Thank you all! And a shoutout to shady-the-demon and ArkhamCity2000 for commenting and voting(Shady, XD... ur comment was the best. I almost fell out of my bed reading it)!!!!!!!!!! This part is dedicated to yall both! :3

Batman nodded slightly and the action began.
Bats jumped off the building, gliding towards the group of six. He landed in the middle and roundhouse kicked three of them, sending them sprawled on the concrete.
Two theifs threw their fist at Batman and he ducked just in time. The guys hit each other on the face. The last guy pulled out his gun as three guys got off the floor and pulled out their own weopons. Batman kicked the gun out of the tallest guy's hand and looked at me for a split second, the signal. But his eyes told me there was a change of plans.
I dived towards the seventh guy who was working on figuring out the wires. He was shocked at impact and I sent him unconscious towards the wall. I then joined Bats in the action.
Dodging a punch and blocking a bullet, I finished off two guys and Batman knocked out the other four. The plier man was still limp. Batman tied the seven together and cut the alarm wire so the cops would arrive.
The distant sound of sirens echoed in the distance and Bats and I rolled off in the Batmobile.
"You know Bats," I started, using a deeper voice that Batman had been teaching me. "How long did you think you could keep him from me?"
"Keep who?" Batman asked roughly.
"Robin. I saw his files in the Cave the other day. Did you tell him to stay away from me?"" I laughed lightly to show I wasn't angry. Batman's usually expressionless face was crossed with a faint flicker of surprise.
"I was going to tell you. But yeah, I didn't want him to fall for you like... I... um... did."
My heart skipped a beat at the fact he really thought that.
How cute!
"Don't worry, I love you. So. How did you meet him?"
Batman told me the story of how he faked his death with the explosion and Bane, and the fight with Alfred. Slowly, he worked hard, the Wayne company was awesome again, and he got a second mansion wich was the new Wayne Manor and became Batman again. Gotham slowly took in the fact that neither Bruce Wayne- or Batman- were dead, and so now it was like always. Batman was back, Alfred and Bruce were family again,- even after their fight- and Gotham was like it had never changed. The first Manor was the orphanage, with the Bat Cave sealed but used sometimes. Robin had been training there. Then he narrated how he became Batman and all the 'wars' he stopped. Scarecrow; Joker; Two-Face; Bane; etc.
The story was interrupted many time by a few stops to beat up some criminals, but the exercise was fun.
Hah... exercise. Is it all this is to me now? Just another workout or fight practice?
It was my first night one the 'job', but it felt like I'd been doing it for years! I couldn't recall a time when I wasn't gliding in the cold night air, or streaking through Gotham knocking people out. It was... refreshing.
"We need to tell Gorden about you," Batman said after a while of silent contemplation on a rooftop (we were watching for suspicious activity). I had forgotten about Commissioner Gordan entirely, lost in the moment's thought. He was the head of police, and was a trusted friend of Bat's. He even -probably- knew Batman's secret identity.
"Okay." I said simply. It was near midnight, and Batman said today we'd go back at twelve... I needed to learn how to stay up... late.
Were we really out only about five hours; it felt like a whole night.

"Commissioner Gordon, this is Dragonclaw. She and Robin will be with me." Batman, Gordan and I stood on the roof of Gordon's house.
"Glad to meet you, Dragonclaw." The Commissioner held out his hand. I was about to shake it when I noticed Batman's look out of the corner of me eye. I nodded courtly insted.
Remember, never shake hands with a cop. Tracking devices can be inplanted in your glove. Batman's warning rang in my ears. Almost too late.
"Alright then," Gordon retracted his head and returned the gesture. "We all know what to do, so I'll get going..."
"SWEETHEART! YOU COMING...? WHAT ARE YOU DOING ON THE ROOF?!" Gordan's wife hollored from the illuminated doorway, her head poking out a few yards down.
"Cop work, love! I'll come down in a moment!" The Commi. returned over his shoulder and chuckled and addressed to us, "Better leave now while I can."
Gordan's wife replied 'OK', ducked back inside. Commi. began to descend the ladder when he added, "And she better not be a problem."
Batman shook his head, threw his cape around himself, and melted into the night.
"Enjoy your night, Commissioner Gordan." I finally spoke, roughly, before doing the same.
He yelled into the darkness, "Will do!"

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